- This is the heart of the dairy industry, an industry which occupies the farmer the year round. 这里是奶制品工业的心脏,这一行业可使农业全部是有事可做。
- The dairy industry system is the important component in agriculture ecosystem in China. 农区奶牛业系统是我国农业生态系统的重要组成部分。
- Analysts suggest the scandal was one reason why Beijing let Cofco expand so rapidly in the dairy industry. 分析师表示,毒奶丑闻是北京允许中粮集团在乳业如此快速扩张的原因之一。
- The dairy industry in business for 10 years, the franchise of New Zealand dairy Angaur. 本公司在乳品行业从业已有10年,目前专营新西兰安佳乳品。
- State Council decided to rectify the dairy industry, and severely punished illegal and criminal, "to make people accountable. 国务院决定全面整顿奶制品行业,严厉惩处违法犯罪,“向人民做出交代”。
- A collapse of trust occurred over the melamine scandals and was further strengthened by the Telunsu OMP milk incident in the dairy industry. 乳品业的信任危机自三聚氰胺事件开始,随着特仑苏OMP事件的影响进一步扩大。
- BEKAPLUS stabilizers for the dairy industry are based on hydrocolloids compounded for various applications in the dairy industry. BEKAPLUS?乳品工业用稳定剂是乳品工业中广泛应用的胶体。
- Zhaoqing Hui said that the dairy industry's new hope-the-art, full of quality products, product quality control very well. 赵清慧表示,新希望乳业公司的设备先进,产品实行了全程把关,产品质量控制得非常好。
- Some earlier studies that extol dairy products as a calcium source have been funded at least in part by the dairy industry. 一些初期的对牛奶作为钙质来源而大放赞美之词的研究论文,背后都受过乳品加工业的资金赞助,至少是部分的赞助。
- Ponder guess, we still have to keep the San Lu brand, to survive it, so that the dairy industry's giants can be truly repentant. 思前忖后,我们还是要保住三鹿这一品牌,让它生存下去,让这个奶业里的巨头能够痛改前非。
- This training workshop will produce a positive and profound influence on a sustainable and healthy development of the dairy industry in Horinger and across China. 本次研讨会将对和林格尔县乳业乃至中国乳业的持续健康发展产生积极而深远的影向。
- And it's shown the benevolent leader coming in to make things right - in this case, the Premier Wen Jiabao visiting hospitals and promising to reform the dairy industry. 在屏幕上我们看到,才德双全的领导出手救市(哦,错别字)了,这一次是温家宝总理去医院探望,并许诺改革奶制品行业。
- A few days ago, the State Council executive meeting held to study the deployment of the dairy industry and the revitalization of the rectification work. 日前,国务院召开常务会议,研究部署奶业整顿和振兴工作。
- Persist for many years to promote the standardization of farming, large-scale operation, effectively promoted the dairy industry to further enhance the level of production. 多年来坚持推广标准化饲养、规模化经营,有力地推动了奶业生产水平的进一步提高。
- The scandal led to worldwide recalls of foods that contained Chinese dairy ingredients and tarnished the image of Chinese products well beyond the dairy industry. 该丑闻导致世界各地纷纷召回含有中国乳制品成分的食品,损害了中国产品的形象,其范围远远超出乳制品行业本身。
- Milk, butter, and cheese are shipped here from the dairy farms. 牛奶、黄油和奶酪都是各个制酪场运到这里来的。
- The dairy industry is one that has embraced membrane separations. Reverse osmosis is used to concentrate milk and whey prior to evaporation, reduce shipping requirements for bulk transport and produce specialty concentrates for commercial sale. 膜技术已在乳品加工业中有所应用,在牛乳和乳清的蒸发中应用反渗透技术减少了运输容量并且还为商业零售生产特殊的浓缩产品。
- One of the greatest problems for the dairy industry is the presence of bacteriophages that destroy these starter cultures. Lactic acid production by a heavily phage-infected starter culture can come to a halt within 30 minutes. 当今,乳品工业存在的最大的问题之一就是噬菌体的存在,它会破坏这些发酵剂。严重污染了噬菌体的发酵剂在30分钟之内就会停止生产乳酸的过程。
- They readily destroy lactic acid bacteria, but are useless against coliforms and bacilli; for obvious reasons, the use of these compounds is regarded as strongly inadvisable in the dairy industry. 它们可以迅速破坏乳酸菌,但对大肠杆菌和芽孢杆菌作用较低;由于明显的原因,这类化合物的使用显然不适用于乳品工业。