- the culture dominated by man 男权中心文化
- We live in a culture dominated by pixels, increasingly unmoored from corpor-eal reality. 我们生活在一个被像素主宰的社会,日益脱离物质现实。
- But computer science still is dominated by men. 但计算机科学仍是男人的天下。
- This culture relegates women to the level of an inferior human being, fit to be dominated by men and children. 但实际上这文化把妇女低贬为次等人,只适合被男性及孩子宰制。
- I have taken examples where the man was poor and the woman rich,but in a world dominated by men the opposite is the commoner case. 我已经举了几个男的贫穷而女的有钱的例子,但在一个男性占统治地位的社会里,反过来的例子就更普遍,而人们的心态也大多是这样的。
- The upper ranks of management consultancies and banks are dominated by men. 管理咨询公司和银行的高层也全部被男性占据。
- Cheerleading, believe it or not, was dominated by men in its early years. 信不信由你,早期的啦啦队以男性为主。
- I have taken examples where the man was poor and the woman rich, but in a world dominated by men the opposite is the commoner case. 我已经举了几个男的贫穷而女的有钱的例子,但在一个男性占统治地位的社会里,反过来的例子就更普遍,而人们的心态也大多是这样的。
- The club is dominated by a small clique of intellectuals. 这俱乐部被知识分子小集团把持着。
- It could debunk(6) theories that the culture, known for its pottery and human sacrifices, was governed only by men. 这无疑否定了以陶器和人葬闻名的莫切文化只由男性统治的说法。
- THAT the risk-taking end of the financial industry is dominated by men is unarguable. 财经业中冒险事务总由男人掌控是毋庸置疑的。
- My weekend was dominated by housework. 我的周末全用在做家务上了。
- Woman will be the last thing civilized by man. 女人将会是最不可能为男人所开化的东西。
- Ex-colonial countries began to challenge the cultural dominance of Europe. 摆脫了殖民统治的国家开始挑战欧洲的文化统治。
- The culture areas are essentially coincident with language areas. 文化区与语言区基本重合。
- Of all the fibers now used by man, a very large percentage is man-made. 现在人类所使用的所有纤维之中,有很大的百分比是人造的。
- The city is dominated by the castle. 古堡俯视着城市。
- The world used to be dominated by two superpowers. 过去两个超级大国主宰世界
- The whole valley is dominated by this mountain. 这座山俯临着整个山谷。
- We live in a world dominated by the United States. 我们活在一个由美国所支配的世界。