- the crime on contract fraud 合同诈骗罪
- He tried to pin the crime on his companions. 他试图将罪名栽在他的同伴身上。
- He tried to pin the crime on his classmates. 他企图将罪过归于他的同学。
- He tried to pin the crime on his companions . 他试图将罪名栽在他的同伴身上。
- A Legal Analysis on Some Problems of the Crime of Contract Fraud 合同诈骗罪若干问题之司法判定
- The crime lies heavily on his conscience. 那罪行沉重地压在他心上。
- Research on the Subjective Problems of the Crime of Contract Fraud 合同诈骗罪主观方面若干问题研究
- In order to save their own skins they sought to pin the crime on an innocent person . 为了逃脱罪责,他们妄图把罪行栽在一个无辜者的身上。
- In order to save their own skins they sought to pin the crime on an innocent person. 为了逃脱罪责,他们试图将罪行推在一个无辜者的身上。
- On How to Improve the Legislation on Contract Fraud 论合同诈骗罪的立法完善
- Anyone who informs on the crime syndicate risks getting taken for a ride. 任何告发犯罪团伙的人都有被杀害的危险。
- The prisoner alleges that he was at home on the night of the crime. 囚犯辩称案发当晚他在家中。
- A Research on the Crime of Financial Fraud II. 金融诈骗罪研究2。
- The criminal disposed of the witness to the crime. 罪犯将他犯罪的目击者杀死了。
- He was innocent of the crime imputed to him. 对于所加在他身上的罪,他是无辜的。
- In order to save their own skins,they sought to pin the crime on an innocent person. 为了逃脱罪责,他们妄图把罪行栽在一个无辜者的身上。
- Bob was art and part in the crime. 鲍勃策划并参与了这项罪行。
- She was connected with the crime. 她被认为与犯罪事件有关。
- She blamed the crimes on the local jobless teenagers.'The devil makes work for idle hands,' she would say. 她把这些犯罪归咎于当地无业青少年。她总是说,“游手好闲者,惹是生非人”。
- In fact we were innocent of the crime. 事实上,我们是无辜的。