- Unique in the context of the session. 在会话的上下文中是唯一的。
- In the context of this book, a debug monitor. 在这本书的上下文中,是指调试监视器。
- Run code within the context of a Web site. 在网站的上下文中运行代码。
- Flags describing the context of the call. 描述调用的上下文的标志。
- The thread running in the context of the process. 在处理上下文中运行的线程。
- The context of society and class. 社会、阶级的视域。
- That is an arena in the context of huge market demand. 这里是庞大需求市场下的的竞技舞台。
- This speech needs to be set in the context of Britain in the 1960s. 这篇演说需要放到20世纪60年代的英国这一背景之下来看待。
- Component will execute in the context of a global transaction. 组件将在全局事务的上下文中执行。
- The page runs in the context of an existing transaction. 该页在现有事务的上下文中运行。
- the context of literature 文学视阈
- We must examine these ideas in the context of recent events. 我们必须从最近发生的事件的环境里考虑这些观点。
- The engine runs in the context of a Windows account. 该引擎在Windows帐户的上下文中运行。
- We should seek settlement in the context of that incident. 我们应该根据这一事件的前因后果寻求解决办法。
- Frye brought up two important conceptions: concern myth and liberty myth, the integrity of which constitutes the social context of literature. 弗莱提出两个重要概念:关怀的神话与自由的神话,这两种神话的结合产生出文学的社会语境,从而导致他所主张的社会批评。
- This can be illustrated in the context of our example above. 这可以在上面示例的上下文中阐明。
- His special interest lies in the area of literature. 他对文学领域特别感兴趣。
- The following example shows the method in the context of a type. 以下示例在类型上下文中显示该方法。
- The logical file stored in the context of the file system. 存储在文件系统的上下文中的逻辑文件。
- Site in the context of the Main Contract is defined therein. 主合同中所指"现场"如其所规定。