- The work that he accomplished has set its mark on the contemporary era and will testify etemally to his exceptional qualities. 他所完成的工作已对当代留下了不可磨灭的印记,并将永远成为他那非凡品质的见证。
- In the contemporary era,it's a heatedly debateclissue to construct a Socialist Harmonious Society. 构建社会主义和谐社会是当代中国的时代课题。
- In the contemporary era, with the living rhythm quicken, times brings forward some demands of speediness composition. 当代社会,生活节奏加快,时代向人们提出了快速写作的要求。
- Enumerated the origins of bionic design from time immemorial beginning, the ancient times, the modern age and the contemporary era. 列举了从远古设计的起源开始,到古代劳动人民在生产工具、建筑、日常用品等方面的仿生艺术设计成就。
- Due to the common ground of criticism on the modernity, Marxist philosophy comes across the postmodernism in the contemporary era. 摘要源于对现代性批判的共同性,马克思主义哲学和后现代主义在当代相遇。
- The last part of article discusses love modes influencing on the contemporary era novel, which led to lifelikeness, plurality, philosophized in love novel in contemporary era. 本文在最后论述了现代言情模式对后世小说的影响,导致后世小说言情的生活化,多元化,哲理化,畸形化。
- The Transnational Corporations (TNC) is leading roles and navigator in world economy of the contemporary era, their activity field have extended all the global stratums. 跨国公司是当代世界经济的主角和引航,其活动领域遍及全球经济生活的各个层面。
- We will surely have a new upsurge in building socialist culture and create an even more splendid advanced culture in the great struggle of the Chinese people in the contemporary era. 在当代中国人民的伟大奋斗中,必将迎来社会主义文化建设的新高潮,创造出更加灿烂的先进文化。
- The new orientation of Pan Arabism in the contemporary era has expressed itself in cultural and economic terms,and these two new trends are conducive to raising the strategic position of the Arab countries in the international arena. 其次 ,着重考察了泛阿拉伯主义在当代的新走向 ,肯定了文化含义和经济含义上的泛阿拉伯主义新趋势
- The higher level civic participation in public decisions promoted by democracy makes public principle of dialogues and exchanges attain new meaning and guarantee in the contemporary era. 由对话民主推进的更高层次的公共决策的公民参与,将使对话交流的公共性原则在当代获得新的内涵和体制保障。
- "Scientific development view" inherits and develops Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong ideology, Deng Xiaoping Theory and "three represents".It is China's Marxism in the contemporary era. 摘要“科学发展观”是对马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”思想的继承与发展,是当代中国的马克思主义。
- The Chinese civilization over 5,000 years, like a sailing boat setting the sail of unceasing wisdoms, voyaged the ancient times, passed by the contemporary era and berth at the present time. 一幅幅凝结者历代人民对生活的美好追求和向往的风俗意趣的图画应运而生,经历了数千年的积淀和创造更新,历史而祢新。
- The types of knowledge representing the three phases are: universal knowledge in the Middle Ages, liberal knowledge in the modern time, and advanced scholarship in the contemporary era. 即从中世纪时期宗教性真理统一观念之下的普遍知识论,到近代脱胎于普遍知识的与专业知识相对立的自由知识,再到现代独立的高深学问知识论逻辑。
- The Purpose of commercial state banks remolding the stock system is to construct a juridical governing structure that applies to the financial corporation system in the contemporary era. 摘要国有商业银行股份制改造的目的是建立与现代金融企业制度相适应的法人治理结构。
- The sad fate of reasonable expectation in the contemporary era reveals how much that the specific institutions and theories may be influenced where the tasks and aims of criminal law are reevaluated. 期待可能性理论在当代所遭遇的命运,折射出刑法任务观的重新定位对刑法体系中具体制度与理论的重大影响。
- It is significant to grasp the essential connotation of "interdiscipliney", for implementing interdisciplinary activity and the advanced development of science and technology, in the contemporary era. 摘要把握“跨学科”的本质内涵,对于开展跨学科活动并促进当代科学技术的进一步发展具有重大意义。
- He commentated on the contemporary political situation. 他就现代的政治局势做了评述。
- capitalism in the contemporary era 当代资本主义
- The contemporary technique is very complicated. 当代的技术十分复杂
- Famous TCM gynecologic experts in the contemporary era 当代中医妇科名家