- Copper is a good medium for the conduction of heat and electricity. 铜是热和电的良导体。
- Leadership or skill in the conduct of a war. 将才指挥战争中的领导权或技术
- I cannot answer for the conduct of others. 我不能对其他人的行为负责。
- There is hardly any conduction of heat in fluids. 流体中的热几乎不能传导。
- He is answerable to the police commissioner for the conduct of the officer in his force. 他需要向警察局长就他警力中警官的行为进行解释。
- But the conduct of the pure is right. 至于清洁的人,他所行的乃是正直。
- People were not at all satisfied with the conduct of the war. 人民完全不满意对战争的指导方式。
- A Study on Mathematical Model of the Conduction of Heat by Natural Convection in Space 大容积自然对流、层流传热的数学模型研究
- The policy and the conduct of hegemony engendered a long time ago. 霸权的政策和行径自古有之。
- The radiator is giving out a lot of heat. 散热器释放出很多热量。
- The need for unity is a well-accepted norm in the conduct of war. 上阵杀敌必须团结,这已是一个广泛被接受的准则。
- the conduction of heat 热的传导
- Iron is melted by the agency of heat. 铁由于热能的作用被融化。
- The equations of hydrodynamics including conduction of heat are solved numerically by using the finite element method. 摘要对含热传导的流体动力学方程组,用有限元方法进行数值求解。
- Since shooting training, the conduct of the game very simply. 既然是射击训练,游戏的进行方式也非常纯粹。
- You may take the medicine under the conduct of the doctor. 你可以在医生的指导下吃药。
- But sola fide is a good maxim for the conduct of life. 但是,“唯有信仰”也是一句适用于人生行为的好格言。
- He could not tolerate the extremes of heat in the desert. 他忍受不住沙漠的酷热。
- The conduct of the third regiment in the battle,was above all praise. 第三团的战绩可歌可泣。
- Based on the constitutive theory of thermoelasticity , the theory of conduction of heat in solids and the three-dimensional equal parameter element method. 文中介绍了适用于结构构件静力分析的有限元程序设计方法,其依据一般热弹性材料的本构方程、热传导理论和空间等参元理论。