- I will lend him the complete works of Shakespeare. 我要借给他莎士比亚全集。
- The Complete Works of Francis A. 收有他的全部著作,装订成五帙。
- I have the complete works of Shakespeare. 我有莎士比亚全集。
- Jim leads her to read the complete work of Fromm. 吉姆引导她读佛洛姆的全部作品。
- Jim lead her to read the complete work of Fromm. 吉姆引导她读佛洛姆的全部作品。
- the complete works of Tolstoy 托尔斯泰全集
- Have you got the complete works of Shakespeare? 你有没有莎士比亚全集?
- Jim shad her to read the complete work of fromm. 吉姆引导她读佛洛姆的全部作品。
- Here Meg whiled away many hours, reading the complete works of Jane Austen, Judy Blume, and Barbara Cartland. 心不甘、情不愿的小公主必须作出她这一生最重大的选择--要么继续与她的家人一起过着平静的生活;
- The Complete Works of LINUX command used linux beginner may be helpful to readers. LINUX常用命令全集可能对初学linux的读者有所帮助。
- Given this, China's academic circle has continuously called for amendments to the Complete Works of Chinese Classics over the past century. 所以在中国学术界,近百年来“重修《四库全书》”的呼声始终不绝于耳。
- The third article, selected from the Complete Works of Lu Hsun, is the author's reply to the magazine The Dipper, discussing how to write. 第三篇,是从《鲁迅全集》里选出的,是鲁迅复北斗杂志社讨论怎样写文章的一封信。
- The "ten" books that Henderson had mentioned were more like 200. including the complete works of Shakespeare, Thomas Wolfe and Oscar Wilde. 与其说亨德森提及的是"十"本书,不如说是二百本,其中包括莎士比亚,托马斯·乌尔夫和奥斯卡·王尔德的全集。
- Testers use the requirement specifications to check the complete work of both the programmers and technical writers. 测试员按照需求说明检验程序员和技术作者的工作成果。
- The compilers of the Complete Works of Chinese Classics despised operas and novels, so writings of the two categories were not taken in by the collection. 四库馆臣对戏曲、小说持鄙视态度,一概未予收入《四库全书》。
- The Complete Works of Song, the complete and most valuable materials in the study of Song culture, is the largest anthology of works in different times. 摘要《全宋文》是目前最大的断代文章总集,是研究宋代文化最为齐全的宝贵资料。
- We have complete works of Ba Jin. 我们有巴金的全部作品。
- Complementing the Complete Works of Chinese Classics, the 1,800-volume book has collected almost all important classics and records before 1911, contributing to the construction of a large stack room of basic Chinese classics and records. 它与《四库全书》配套,构筑起一座中华基本典籍的大型书库,将中国1911年以前的重要典籍基本收录进去。
- Liang Shiqiu's Chinese translation of The Complete Works of William Shakespeare is source-oriented while Zhu Shenghao's is target-oriented, a disparity due partly to different influences from their patrons. 莎士比亚全集》的梁实秋译本以原语文化为取向,朱生豪译本以中国文化为依归,这种差异部分地归因于赞助者影响的不同。