- He was regarded as heretic by the common people. 他被大众视为异教徒。
- One of the common people of ancient Rome. 平民古罗马的普通公民之一
- The nobles treated the common people with haughty contempt. 王公贵族以不屑一顾的傲慢态度对待平民百姓。
- The common people as opposed to the upper classes. 平民,百姓相对上层阶级而言普通的人民
- However, the speech of the common people prevailed. 最后,还是平民的语言普及了。
- Corrupt officials milked the common people dry. 贪官污吏搜刮尽了民脂民膏。
- How now can I face the common people? 这叫我有何面目再向江东?
- He expressed sympathy for the common people. 他对平民表现了同情。
- The common people of an ancient Greek state. 古希腊城邦的平民
- Fork art is the art of the common people. 世间艺术是普罗大众的艺术。
- He sympathizes with the common people. 他同情平民百姓。
- the common people novel 平民小说
- The common people approve of governmental policy. 一般老百姓都赞成政府的政策.
- Speak as the common people do,think as wise men do. 说话如常人,思考如智者。
- The common people; the populace. 民众普通人;公众
- Setting aside the grand narrative tradition,his novel concerns the fate of the common people. 他的小说抛开了宏大的叙事传统,关注身边普通小人物的命运。
- The common people are plunged into an abyss of misery. 苍生涂炭。
- Whom have we overthrown,the capitalists or the common people? 究竟是打倒了资本家,还是打倒了老百姓?
- Shakespeare's work was popular among the common people in his day. 莎士比亚的作品在他那个年代很受平民百姓的欢迎。