- The college student is reading the novel. 那个大学生正在读小说。
- The college students are active to crusade against the nuclear weapons. 大学生们积极投入开展反对核武器的运 动。
- The college student is studying the map . 那个大学生正在研究地图。
- English is known to all of the college students. 所有的大学生都通晓英语。
- It was the college student that saved him. 是这位大学生将他从水里救出。
- All the college students are educated at the public expense. 所有的大学生都受公费教育。
- The number of the college students is increasing year by year. 大学生的数量逐年增加。
- Social dancing is popular among the college students. 交际舞在大学生中很流行。
- Calculus is a difficult course for most of the college students. 微积分对大部分学生来说是一门很难的课程。
- AQ of the college students was better, only 2.78% was in low AQ. 大学生逆商指数(AQ)比较理想;低逆商者只占2.;78%25。
- The college students living in the eighties have contemporary characteristics. 八十年代的大学生有时代的特点。
- The college students were preparing for climbing the Mount Qomolangma. 这些大学生正在为攀登珠穆朗玛峰做准备。
- The college library is a favorite haunt. 大学图书馆是人们喜欢的地方。
- Results AQ of the college students was better, only 2.78% was in low AQ. 结果大学生逆商指数(AQ)比较理想;低逆商者只占2.;78%25。
- The college students volunteered to care for the elderly in their community. 这些大学生自愿照顾他们社区的老年人。
- It's important for the college freshman to keep his nose clean. 对大学新生而言洁身自好是很重要的。
- What happened to the college student drew great attention from public. 发生在这位大学生身上的故事引起了公众的广泛注意。
- Some redneck beat up some noisy college student at the pub. 一些观念狭隘保守的人在酒吧里痛揍一些喧闹的大学生。
- The college did us proud at the centenary dinner. 院方在一百周年校庆设宴款待我们。
- College students have the run of the university library. 大学生可以自由地使用大学的图书馆。