- the coalition victory in Iraq 联军部队在伊拉克战争中取得的胜利
- The long-awaited measures are set to be the centrepiece of the coalition's fourth-term reform agenda and have been made possible by its victory in last year's federal election. 这些期待已久的措施,将成为澳大利亚执政联盟第四个任期内改革议程的中心议题,并且由于该联盟在去年联邦大选中获胜,这些措施的实施已成为可能。
- After the coalition victory, the difficulty was to divide the spoils equally among the victorious ministers. 联合成功后,如何在胜利的部长们之间均分权力成了困难所在。
- Just as we are preparing to ensure victory in Iraq,we are taking further actions to protect our homeland. 正如我们为保证在伊拉克获胜而正在作准备,我们正在采取进一步措施保卫我们的祖国。
- Just as we are preparing to ensure victory in Iraq, we are taking further actions to protect our homeland. 正如我们为保证在伊拉克获胜而正在作准备,我们正在采取进一步措施保卫我们的祖国。
- Victory in Iraq became elusive because the US military leadership failed to define the mission as a counterinsurgency. 由于军方领导们没把战争定义为反游击战,美军在伊拉克的胜利成果正在变得模糊。
- When the coalition was formed, the Communists were left out in the cold. 各党形成联盟时,共产党人被排斥在外。
- McCain has staked his presidential hopes on the belief that Americans would prefer victory in the war in Iraq to a hasty withdrawal of U.S. troops. 麦肯将他的总统梦赌博在他相信美国民众更愿意看到国家在伊拉克战争中胜利而不是草率地撤回部队上。
- MakeanMcCain has stated staked his presidential hopes on the believe belief that Americans would prefer victory in the war in Iraq to a hastywithdrawl withdrawal of US U. 麦考恩把他的赌注压在这样的想法上,也许美国人认为在伊站取得胜利比匆忙的撤退要好。
- Donald Rumsfeld resigned as US defence secretary yesterday after the Democratic party won a resounding victory in mid-term Congressional elections that were considered a referendum on the war in Iraq. 唐纳德?姆斯菲尔德昨日辞去美国国防部长一职。此前,在被视为美国对伊拉克战争全民公决的中期选举中,民主党赢得了明确胜利。
- The situation in Iraq has turned sour. 伊拉克的局势已趋恶化。
- Liberals sweep to victory in divided Canada. 加国选举,自由党大获全胜。
- After the election, the coalition fragmented. 选举之后,联盟瓦解了
- Coinciding with the third anniversary Sunday of the U.S.-led invasion, the president is giving a series of speeches meant to convince Americans that he has a strategy for victory in Iraq. 巧合的是,就在美国入驻伊拉克的第三个周日,总统发表了一系列的演说,让国民相信他在伊拉克战争中有着必胜的战略。
- In the weeks ahead, violence in Iraq may escalate. 在之后的这几周,伊拉克的暴力行为可能会升级。
- McCain has made victory in Iraq the centerpiece of his presidential campaign, and has criticized Democrats Clinton and Obama for advocating a gradual withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq. 麦凯恩把打赢伊拉克战争作为竞选的中心议题,并批评民主党候选人希拉里.;克林顿和奥巴马主张逐步从伊拉克撤军。
- After the election,the coalition fragmented. 选举之后,联盟瓦解了
- Our fate now depended upon victory in the air. 我们的命运现在取决于能否赢得空战的胜利。
- The modern dialect of Arabic spoken in Iraq. 伊拉克所用的阿拉伯语现代方言
- England won a hands-down victory in the tournament. 英格兰队轻易获胜。