- This is the central city of the whole area. 这座城市是整个地区的中心城市。
- the central city of metropolis 中心城市
- In 2000, 311 people died in a disco fire in the central city of Luoyang. 2000年,311人丧生于洛阳市中心的一所迪斯科舞厅爆发的火灾中。
- Pictures from the central city of Wuhan showed large crowds congregating outside a Carrefour supermarket. 从中部城市武汉拍摄的照片显示大批人聚集在家乐福超市外面.
- When people in Kwangju, the central city of Cholla, rose up, the junta sent in tanks and paratroopers. 当全罗道的中心城市光州的人民起来反抗时,军政府出动了坦克和空降部队。
- As the central city of economy and culture in Weibei area of Shaanxi, Tongchuan is 90 km away from capital city Xi’an. 铜川市作为陕西渭北地区经济文化的中心城市,相距省城西安90公里。
- Police in the central city of Hildesheim said they were alerted to the91- year-old man's predicament on Saturday afternoon by an observant neighbor. 德国希尔德斯海姆市中心的警方指出,29日,养蜂人的邻居发现这名91岁的老汉被蜜蜂困住后向警方报案。
- Police in the central city of Hildesheim said they were alerted to the 91-year-old man's predicament on Saturday afternoon by an observant neighbor. 德国希尔德斯海姆市中心的警方指出,29日,养蜂人的邻居发现这名91岁的老汉被蜜蜂困住后向警方报案。
- About 7,000 people in the central city of Multan ransacked seven banks and a gas station and threw stones at police, who responded with tear gas. 中部城市木尔坦大约7000人参与抢劫了7家银行和一家加油站,还向警察投掷石块,警方用催泪瓦斯回击。
- Yaodu District, Linfen City, Shanxi Province is located in southern central city of Linfen, located in the central basin of Linfen. 临汾市尧都区位于山西省南部、临汾市中部,地处临汾盆地中央。
- The route taken by the 24,000-tonnes Princess of the Stars from Manila heading for the central city of Cebu took it straight into the path of the approaching Typhoon Fengshen. 据悉,”群星公主”号渡轮排水量为24,000吨,预定航程为从马尼拉启程,终点为宿务岛的中心城市,然而它的航程正好进入了”风神”号台风的影响范围。
- In the central city of Mandalay, more than 1,000 monks marched, while about 100 others in dark saffron robes staged a peaceful march in the western Yangon suburb of Ahlone. 周三仰光的游行和其他城市集会活动都是要抗议政府的经济政策使他们生活更加艰难,特别是上个月突然高涨的油价使得首次爆发持续性的示威游行--一开始是民主运动份子,现在则主要是僧侣们。
- As the central city of the northeastern region, Shenyang has a strong attraction, radiation and driving force to peripheral region even the whole country. 作为东北中心城市的沈阳,对周边乃至全国都具有较强的吸纳力、辐射力和带动力。
- The City of Lu''an, nicknamed "Wanxi (West Anhui)", is located at the northern foot of Dabie Mountain.It is now the central city of the Dabie Mountain area. 安徽省六安市位于安徽西部,大别山北麓,俗称“皖西”,是大别山区域中心城市,辖区内金寨、霍山、舒城均位于大别山区。
- Gu Cheng District"Jiangnan Island", located in the central city of Guangzhou, the Guangzhou Pearl River water system before and after the flight path around, is surrounded by water, good natural soil. 海珠区古称“江南洲”,位于广州市的中部,由珠江水系广州河段前后航道所环绕,是四面环水的天然良壤。
- According to informed sources, the reason why TPV decided to mainland headquarters to the central city of Wuhan, for lower costs and comply with the general trend of the two considerations. 知情人士透露,冠捷之所以决定将大陆总部迁往中部城市武汉,是出于降低成本和顺应大势两方面的考虑。
- What is the Need for the Future of Metropolis? 大城市的未来需要什么?
- The head office is in the central part of the city. 总公司位於市中心。
- I bought a new suit in the central city this year. 我今年在市中心买了套公寓。适合。
- Set in the super technological city of Metropolis in AD 2026, it showed a sinister future in an exquisite techno-fantasy style. 集技术的超级大都市城市在公元2026年,它表明,今后在险恶的精致技术幻想风格。