- While it served the club well, fans inundated the new board of directors with demands for a return to the old-style design to take Chelsea into a new era, especially ahead of the centenary year. 虽然这款设计给俱乐部带来了一定知名度,但球队的支持者们却强烈希望俱乐部管理层使用老式的队徽设计,以带领球队进入新纪元,尤其在球队百年庆典之前。
- Next year will be the centenary of this firm. 明年是这家公司成立的一百周年。
- The college did us proud at the centenary dinner. 院方在一百周年校庆设宴款待我们。
- Next year sees the centenary of Verdi's death. 明年是威尔地逝世一百周年。
- Next year is the centenary of her death. 明年是她逝世一百周年纪念。
- the centenary year 一百周年纪念年
- The college did us proudat the centenary dinner. 院方在一百周年校庆设宴款待我们。
- As most of you will know it was the club's centenary year and the current owners spared no expense in the celebrations. 你们都知道那是俱乐部的百年庆典,现在的这位老板毫不吝啬的让我们大肆庆祝。
- The Centenary Museum that Sue Mears visited is open to the public. 切尔西成立一百周年纪念馆开始对外开放。
- The club will celebrate its centenary next year. 该俱乐部明年要庆祝一百周年纪念。
- The poll one of the events marking the museum's centenary year singled out the X-ray machine as the scientific advance with the greatest impact. 投票活动见证了博物馆的一百周年,也证实了X光机对于科学的进步起了最为重要的影响作用。
- "It is a celebration of our love of cars and the romance of travel and is a fitting model to announce during Morgan's Centenary year. “这是庆祝我们的爱汽车和浪漫的旅行,是一个合适的模式,宣布在摩根百年。”
- In the clubs centenary year, La Masia celebrated its twentieth anniversary and the general feedback has been very positive. 在俱乐部百年之时,拉马西亚也迎来了自己的二十周年庆典,大体上来说,它产出的回报相当可喜。
- Now is your last chance to commemorate Chelsea's glorious centenary year with an exclusive photograph with the Premier League Trophy. 现在,这是你用一张独一无二的一张联赛冠军奖杯的照片来纪念切尔西辉煌百年的最后机会了。
- "The Sydney 2000 Olympic Games is also the centenary of women's participation. “悉尼2000年奥运会正逢女子参赛一百年。
- This year marks the centenary of the International Opium Commission, which was convened in Shanghai in 1909. Will China hold any commemorative activities? 问:1909年在上海举行了“万国禁烟会”,到今年是100年。中方是否要举行纪念活动?将举行哪些活动?
- This year sees the centenary of the founding of the Chinese Revolutionary League.The restoration League was a constitutional Part of the Chinese Revolutionary League. 今年是同盟会成立一百周年,光复会是同盟会的组成部分之一。
- He intended to return to the stage in his centenary year, signing an exclusive contract with the Las Vegas show venue Caesar's Palace for a series of personal appearances in 1996. 他曾打算百岁再登舞台,与拉斯韦加斯的演出点恺撒娱乐宫签订过1996年作个人系列表演的独家合同。
- The first World Cup was opened at the Centenary Stadium in the capital of Uruguay on 18 July 1930. 1930年7月18日,第一界世界杯在乌拉圭首都的世纪体育场开幕。
- The centenary of the birth of William Faulkner, one of the great modern novelists, was celebrated in September, 1997. 1997年9月,世人举行庆祝活动,纪念杰出的现代小说家之一,威廉·福克纳的100周年诞辰。