- The caste system is still strong in India. 种姓制度在印度仍然很牢固。
- This book treats of the caste system in India. 这本书论述了印度的种姓制度。
- The caste system is still strong in some eastern countries such as India. 种姓制度在一些东方国家如印度仍然很牢固。
- It is impossible for us to imagine the effects of the caste system. 种姓制度所造成的影响是我们无法想像的。
- Long had been in the process of the caste system which still exists today. 印度长久以来的世袭阶级今天仍然存在。
- The caste system although weakened is still prevalent in the society especially among the less educated. 虽然阶级制度已经式微,但还是普遍的存在社会上,尤其是少受教育的族群。
- We read the early Buddhist attacks on the caste system, and aside from their anti-racist implications, they often strike us as quaint. 我们阅读早期佛教徒对种姓制的批判,在理解其反种姓制的寓意之外,常有一股怪异之感。
- The caste system was so sacred that it was written into the law and the Brahman's dogma. 种姓制度不仅订在法律,且规定在婆罗门教义教条中,神圣而不可侵犯。
- The caste system is a feudal hierarchical social system exclusive to India, which is closely associated with Hinduism. 摘要种姓制度是印度社会特有的一种封建等级制度,与印度教关系密切。
- The caste system is one where one's parentage determines one's place in society. 等级制度以人的出身决定其社会地位。
- Only Hindus actice the caste system;it is abandoned if a Hindu Marketing becomes a Mohammedan or a zChristian. 只有印度教徒实践种姓制度,它是被遗弃的,如果一个印度教成为伊斯兰教或基督教。
- Closely linked with this view is the caste system, which is explained in mythical terms in one of the hymns of the Rigveda. 与这一观点密切相关的是种姓等级制度,它在梨俱吠陀圣歌中得到神话般的解释。
- Many things restrain India's economy, from a government that depends on Communist support to the caste system, power cuts and rigid labour laws. 许多因素抑制着印度的经济,从一个依靠共产主义支持的政府,到世袭等级制度、能源短缺、刻板僵化的劳动法。
- I suppose you also have a caste system in your society. 我想你们的社会里也有一种等级制度。
- The story evokes lingering vestiges of the caste system, and examines a family in which wealth creates nothing but the hunger for more. 故事反映出印度的社会等级制度,通过一个家庭的遗产风波揭示了印度富裕家庭的光鲜外表下,隐藏着种种污迹。
- Many things restrain India's economy, from a government that depends onCommunist support to the caste system, power cuts and rigid labourlaws. 在很多方面牵制了印度的经济,从共产党支持的政府,到种姓制度,能源短缺,毫无弹性的劳动法。
- The cast of the play included a international star. 这个剧的演员名单中有一位国际明星。
- The cast of the play includes a famous actress. 这个剧的演员名单中有一位名花旦。
- At that time Brahminism was the dominant doctrine in India.Brahminism emphasized the caste system and controlled their disciples by means of mantras and secret teachings. 当时的印度,婆罗门教的势力极大,他们重视人出生的阶级,以咒术密法控制信徒。
- The Indian government early after it became independent in 1947 officially abolished the caste system, and especially the horrible position of the 160 million untouchables. 在1947年印度独立后不久,政府便官方宣布废除种姓制度,以及1亿6千万底层贱民的悲惨处境。