- the brute in man 人类的兽性
- Kill reverence and you've killed the hero in man. 杀死崇敬之心你便杀死了人之豪杰。
- In order to keep receiving new Brutes in the best conditions, we have temporarily closed The Brute to carry out some technical improvements. 为了让您收到新的暴君在最好的条件,我们已经暂时关闭了强力进行一些技术改进。
- Drinking releases the animal in man. 喝酒使他兽性大发。
- They are not many degrees removed from the brute. 他们跟禽兽相差不远。
- We all wait to punish the brute. 我们都想惩罚那个残忍的人。
- Strength without love produces the brute. 有力无爱造就的是野蛮。
- Man has struggled long against the brute forces of nature. 长期以来,人类一直在同无情的自然力作斗争。
- What's the adage rife in man's mouth? 脍炙人口的格言是什么?
- The prostate is a small gland in men. 前列腺是男性体内的一个小腺体。
- There's a good deal of human nature in man. 人身上存有相当多的人性。
- The disease can cause sterility in men and women. 这种疾病可能导致男女不育。
- For all that, the brute was there. 虽然如此,但兽性并未消失。
- There are thirteen pints of blood in man's body. 人体内约有十三品脱的血。
- That's your fault for foisting the brute on us. 你真不该把那个畜生带到咱们这个圈子里来!
- The woman's goal is the money in man's bag. 而女人的目标却是男人包里的钱。
- The brute guarding him beat him to a pulp. 那个看守他的凶汉把他打得一塌糊涂。
- Health is a great wealth in man. 健康以人来说是最大的财富;
- Her arrogance levelled the slave with the brute creation. 他狂妄自大,把奴隶与牛马同等看待。
- The causes of cancer in man are not known. 人类癌的起因还不为人所知。