- A candle is a measure of the brilliance of a light. 坎德拉是辉度的量度单位。
- the brilliance of a diamond 钻石的光泽
- Having the hardness or luster of a diamond. 似金刚石的具有金刚石的硬度或光泽的
- The brilliance of the light blinded him. 灯的强光使他目眩。
- The brilliance of diamond is due in part to its large dispersion. 金刚石的光辉异彩,部分是由于它有强烈的色散。
- The gleam of a diamond never goes off. 钻石光芒,永恒不息。
- To it goes the long journey of the soul after death; in it shine all things with the brilliance of a great light. 灵魂死后经过长途施行而到那里去,在里面的是伟大之光的光辉,它照耀着万物。
- The brilliance of a luminous object may, of course, be different in different directions. 一个发光体的辉度,当然因方向不同而异。
- Although we miss the brilliance of cardinals we can see certain flowers, sunsets, the iridescent plumage of a cock pheasant. 虽然我们不能欣赏鲜艳的红色半边莲花,但我们可以看到某些花卉日落时的余辉、雄野鸡色彩缤纷的羽毛。
- There was no joy in the brilliance of sunshine. 尽管阳光无比灿烂,却没有什么宜人的乐趣。
- His body was like chrysolite, his face had the brilliance of lightning, his eyes were like blazing torches, and the sound of his words was like the noise of a crowd. 他的身体好像碧玉,他的面容好似闪电,他的眼睛有如火炬,他的手臂和腿有如磨光了的铜,他说话的声音彷佛群众的喧嚷。
- He made me a present of a diamond ring. 他送给我一枚钻石戒指。
- Everybody was impressed by the brilliance of his speech. 每个人都为他那精彩的演讲而受感动。
- The gleam of a diamond fascinates people forever. 钻石光芒的魅力,令人向往不
- It demonstrated the brilliance of China's ancient culture. 它显示了中国古代文化的光辉。
- Insert on a new layer the picture of a diamond. 新建层,添加一款钻石的图片。
- Their light was not visible because of the brilliance of the sun. 它们的光看不见,因为太阳光太强。
- Tide Shan the brilliance of congou more is dazzling. 潮汕工夫茶的光彩更是夺目。
- They shine with the brilliance of the communist spirit. 他们身上闪耀着共产主义精神的光辉。
- The brilliance of his name shines in the pages of history. 光照汗青。