- What's more, I use the CAD (a software for the blocking walls) to test its stability to see whether it has two kinds of glide face. 再采用理正通用路基设计CAD-挡土墙设计软件,分别对是否存在滑动面的两种情况进行稳定性验算。
- Through summing up the ceramsite hollow brick wall waterproofing process to improve the block wall autiseepage technical level is intrduced. 本文通过对陶粒空心砖外墙防水技术措施的总结,以促进小型砌块外墙防渗漏技术水平的提高。
- Presents the modificatory project of the block wall, and validates the heat transmission coefficient of the wall. 发现稳态热湿传递计算结果对于部分墙体是偏于安全的,而对于部分墙体是偏小的。
- His collection of paintings will go on the block tomorrow. 他收集起来的画明天将要拿去拍卖。
- The block is still just a skeleton of girders. 这片建筑还只是仅有主梁的骨架。
- The block becomes magnetic when the current is switched on. 通电时线圈即具磁性。
- She chopped the block of wood in two with a single blow. 她一斧头把木块劈成两半。
- Prevention of the Common Quality Faults in the Block Wall 砌块墙体质量通病的预防
- The girl stacked the blocks with deliberation. 这个女孩从容地把砖堆砌起来。
- The doctors succeeded in confining the contagious disease within the block. 医生们成功地将这个传染病控制在这一街区的范围内。
- Is the blocking of your nose getting better? 你鼻子堵的情况好一些吗?
- Bad workmanship was responsible for the collapse of the block of flats. 这排公寓倒塌归咎于施工拙劣。
- The gang forced all the storekeepers on the block to kick over$5 a week. 那伙流氓强迫在该街区开店的老板每周各捐出5美元来。
- The block was blacked out for hours last night. 这个街区昨晚停了好几个小时的电。
- Don't make a U-turn in the middle of the block. 不要在街区的半途掉头。
- B: Yes, I'd like a block wall built around my house. 我想在房子周围砌块墙。
- He is now between the beetle and the block. 他现在陷于困境。
- The forces on the block are shown in the diagram. 我们把作用在物块上的力表示在图上。
- The BLOCK clause is for use in Embedded SQL only. BLOCK子句仅供嵌入式SQL使用。
- Don't make au-turn inthe middle of the block. 不要在街区的半途掉头。