- The antiship missile can maneuver to any virtual target in large airspace guided by this guidance law;thus it can realize all kinds of large airspace variable trajectories. 利用该制导律可以引导反舰导弹向大空域内任何虚拟目标进行变轨机动,从而实现了各种各样的大空域变轨弹道。
- the antiship missile 反舰导弹
- The company is also offering a further variant of its C-802 antiship missile. 这家公司还提供更多 C-802 反舰导弹的变种。
- The Extend Selection Plot of the Antiship Missiles'Target Acquisition 反舰导弹扩展选择图搜捕方式探讨
- Orienting to the characters of antiship missile route planning, an object oriented method was put forward. 摘要针对反舰导弹航路规划的任务特点,提出了一种面向对象的反舰导弹航路规划方法。
- The poesend problems in evaluation antiship missile flight test are pcinted out. 指出现行反舰导弹飞行试验结果评定的命中域标准存在的问题。
- In the last, this objected oriented method of antiship missile route planning was experimented in the VC++ platform. 最后,在VC++平台下,对这种面向对象的反舰导弹航路规划方法进行了编程实验。
- For observing, evaluating and researching the effect of ECM to terminal guidance radar of antiship missile, a simulation system for ECM to antiship missile is developed. 为观察、评估和研究针对反舰导弹末制导雷达的电子干扰的效果,研制了一个反舰导弹电子对抗仿真系统。
- Ship-Hull Surface is an integral part of warship protective structure.It can restain penetration depth when encountering attack of armour-piercing antiship missile. 摘要船体外板处于舰船防护结构的最外层,在受到半穿甲导弹攻击时起到限制其侵入深度的作用。
- A numerical study on the performance of a hemispherical head antiship missile penetrating the plate girder structure is presented using LS-DYNA program. 采用非线性动力学有限元计算程序LS-DYNA对半球形状半穿甲导弹作用下板梁结构抗穿甲性能进行了数值模拟研究。
- The threat of antiship missile against surface ships and the limitation of antimissile defensive systems of the surface ships being in service are analysed. 在现代防空反导作战中,战术弹道导弹的威胁,给防空系统带来了预警时间不足等一些新的问题。
- In this paper some current effectiveness evaluation methods are analysed,and a new stage probability method is proposed for the effectiveness analysis of stand-off antiship missile. 在综合分析了目前使用效能评估方法的基础上,针对导弹对舰攻击的实际,给出一种改进的阶段概率法,并对防区外导弹对舰导弹攻击的效能进行了分析,提出了评估的模型。
- The huge ship was sunk by a homing missile. 这只巨大的军舰被一枚自动寻的导弹击中。
- The missile had blown the battleship asunder. 炮弹把战舰炸碎了。
- The missile deflected from its trajectory. 导弹已偏离轨道。
- Abstract: In order to defend the attack of antiship missiles, warship should improve its antimissile ability. 摘 要: 反靓导弹日益严重的威胁要求水面舰艇必须进一步提高自身防空反导能力。
- The missile is delivered from underground. 这种导弹由地下发射。
- The development of ship Electronic Countermeasure (ECM) technologies has made the conventional single-mode guided antiship missiles less effective. 随着现代舰船电子对抗技术及其对抗装备的日趋完善,传统单模制导反舰导弹的作战效能逐渐被削弱。
- The wind whirled the dead leaves about. 风吹得枯叶在四处回旋。
- China is producing several families of tactical guided missiles, primarily for the antiship role, that appear to have been designed and developed for a single export customer-Iran. 中国正在生产几个战术制导导弹家族产品,其中主要是反舰导弹,并且该几个家族导弹表露出其是在为单一的一个国外买家伊朗设计和发展的。