- Deregulate the airline industry. 对民航工业解除管制
- The airline industry provides a good example. 航空工业就提供了一个好的典范。
- DANIEL YERGIN: And the airline industry was a very good example of that. 丹尼尔.;尤金:航空业是一个很好的例子。
- The airline industry now allows the public to travel to remoter places. 交通的变化使食宿业发生了深刻的变化。
- It had an impact on the airline industry and the tourism industry and the insurance industry. 它对于航空业、旅游业和保险业都有重大影响。
- The boom in the airline industry that began about twenty years ago resulted in a corresponding boom in hotel construction. 约在二十年前开始飞速兴起的航空运输业导致了旅馆建设的相应飞速发展。
- As the airline industry grapples with record fuel prices, long intercontinental flights are taking a big hit. 随着航空业艰难应对创纪录的油价,洲际长途航班正遭受重创。
- The sense of crisis was heightened by dramatic closures in the airline industry. 航空业戏剧性的关闭加剧了危机意识的提高。
- The airline industry's demand for capital ever since that first flight has been insatiable. 自第一次飞行以来,航空工业对资金的需求就永无止境。
- But observers are not expecting any major signs of a recovery for the airline industry. 但是观察员预计,对于航空工业而言不会有大的经济复苏迹象。
- Airline deregulation led to painful turbulence as new carriers came and went. Like her father, Judith Hamill works in the airline industry. 随着新航空公司的进入和推出,航空业取消管制引起了痛苦的振荡。Judith Hamill和她的父亲一样在航空业就职。
- The airline industry reports directly to two agencies that regulate all aspets of flying, prescribe safety procedures, and investigate all accidents. 航空界报告直接指出两家机构,规划飞行所有层面的制度,说明安全程序,以及调查所有事故。
- The growth of the airline industry in the last twenty years, however, has made the convention business a worldwide enterprise. 但近二十年来,航空业的发展已经使承办会议成为全球性的业务。
- The airline industry has promised great strides in jet-engine efficiency to mitigate the environmental damage caused by flying. 航空业已经在其喷气发动机的效率方面做出了很大的改进措施,旨在减少飞机在飞行过程中对环境造成的破坏。
- He said any suspension would affect the 20 million passengers who use that airport, and said it could trigger chaos in the airline industry. 他说关闭将会引起2000万使用机场的旅客受损,者也会引发航空行业内部的骚乱。
- The airline industry now allows the public to travel to remoter places.The growth of resorts is part of this development. 主要原因是店主、保安人员以及客人未从根本上理解饭店安全保护的作用。
- He cited the airline industry, saying that aging equipment, shoddy maintenance and poor training contributed to a rash of crashes. 他举航空业为例,表示设备老旧、劣质的维修和训练不良造成一连串空难。
- The International Air Transport Association says 2009 is shaping up to be one of the toughest years the airline industry has ever faced. 国际航空运输协会说,2009年看来将会成为世界航空业有史以来面对的最为困难的年度之一。
- The airline give no reason for the plane's late arrival. 航空公司对于飞机的晚点没有说明任何原因。
- DANIEL YERGIN: And the airline industry was a very good example of that.You had people go into this business, be very competitive, they'd go bankrupt. 丹尼尔.;尤金:航空业是一个很好的例子