- The Administrative Procedure Act (APA) governs these activities. 管理程序条例管理这些行为。
- Another is the rules specified by Congress in the Administrative Procedure Act (APA). 另一套是国会在《行政程序法》中规定的那些规则。
- Since its original enactment in 1946, the Administrative Procedure Act has been amended and recodified several times. 自从1946年的初次制定以来,《行政程序法》已经过了若干次的修订和重新编纂。
- Invalid administrative act is an important institution of the Administrative Procedure Law. 无效行政行为是各国行政程序法的一项重要规定,本文拟对无效行政行为的内涵、存在的依据以及如何建立我国无效行政行为制度等问题进行一番探讨。
- There is not only formal nature but also substantive nature of the administrative procedure law. 摘要行政程序不仅具有形式性属性,也具有实质性属性。
- In a modern society of democracy and nomocracy,finance power should be strengthened in the administrative procedure. 在现代民主法治社会,应当加强财政权在行政程序中的控制,以合法、合理的行政程序,保证财政资金的科学支出;
- The author analyses how the problems existing in the enforcement procedure and law-making of the administrative law impede the legalization of Chinese administrative procedure. 其次又分析了行政程序立法方面、与行政救济衔接的司法审查方面以及行政执法方面存在的问题是如何阻碍行政程序法治进程的。
- It is a pity that our administrative action system of environment is not sound enough to carry out its function, which leads the administrative procedure into a corner. 但我国的环境行政诉讼法律制度不健全,不能充分发挥其功效,致使我国的环境行政诉讼陷入了困境。
- Study classes for the Administrative Procedural Law have been organized by many administrative organs. 许多行政机关举办了《行政诉讼法》学习班。
- If the person takes exception to the decision,he may appeal to the administrative committee or lodge a complaint with the people's court according to the Law of Administrative Procedure. 对被劳动教养不服的,可向劳动教养管理委员会申诉;也可按行政诉讼法的规定,向人民法院提起诉讼。
- Any infringers,within 15 days after they received the written decision of the penalty,who object to the administrative penalty,may institute proceedings in the courts according to Law of Administrative Procedure of the People's Republic of China. 当事人对处理决定不服的,可以自收到处理通知之日起15日内依照《中华人民共和国行政诉讼法》向人民法院提起诉讼;
- In this chapter, we will begin by discussing the general rules governing judicial review of agency decisions. Those rules are mostly derived from the Administrative Procedure Act (APA). 在本章,我们先讨论对机构决议进行司法复审的一般性规则,而这些规则大多出自《行政诉讼法》(apa)。
- If the person takes exception to the decision, he may appeal to the administrative committee or lodge a complaint with the people's court according to the Law of Administrative Procedure. 对被劳动教养不服的,可向劳动教养管理委员会申诉;也可按行政诉讼法的规定,向人民法院提起诉讼。
- The Administrative Procedural Law,put into effect on October 1,1990,is an important law ensuring people's civil rights. 1990年10月1日起施行的《行政诉讼法》,是保障公民权利的一部重要法律。
- Pertinent regulations in the Administrative Procedure Law regarding jurisdiction, transfer, avoidance, service and rectification shall be applied or applies mutatis mutandis in this Act. 行政程序法有关管辖、移送、迴避、送达、补正等相关规定,于本法适用或准用之。
- Since the implementation of the Administrative Procedural Law two-thirds of the cases have ended in a change of the original decision made by the administrative organs. 自《行政诉讼法》实施以来,三分之二的诉讼都以行政机关改变原决定而终结。
- Reform of the administrative procedures for examination and approval was pushed forward. 行政审批制度改革加快。
- If the party concerned brings forward any rebuttal reasons or evidence not presented in the administrative procedure, the price administrative department may supplement corresponding evidence. 当事人提出其在行政程序中没有提出的反驳理由或者证据的,政府价格主管部门可以补充相应的证据。
- It is the time for China to draft the Administrative Procedural Code in order to make up the legal system. 中国应当尽早制定统一的行政程序法典,构建现代行政程序制度,树立行政人员和公众重视程序的观念,确保法治的统一。
- First, analyzing the necessity and feasibility of constituting the administrative procedures code. 首先,对我国制定行政程序法典的必要性和可行性进行了分析。