- Reflection of law theory on the abuse of right 权利滥用的法理思考
- On the Abuse of Right of Subrogation 论保险代位追偿制度之弊端
- Weare all familiar with the abuses of technology. 我们熟知技术的弊病。
- The abuse of ketamine has gained popularity in recent years. 近年来氯胺酮的滥用越来越普遍,建立快速、准确的检测方法越来越重要。
- The abuse of greatness is when it disjoins remorse from power. 权力之弊害,乃是自恃权而骄、忘记自省时而始。
- The new law constitutes a safeguard against the abuse of government power. 新法律可以防止滥用政府权力。
- the abuse of rights 权利滥用
- Secondly, competition needed to be promoted and the abuse of patent rights prevented. 第二,必须鼓励竞争,防止滥用专利权。
- Goverment has organise the team to investigate the abuse of drug. 政府已成立工作组调查滥用毒品问题.
- The property belongs to her as of right. 这财产按理说是属于她的。
- Abuse of procedural rights ( abbr.APR ) contains the abuse of procedural rights and the abuse of process. 程序权利的滥用(简称APR)包括对程序权利的滥用,也包括对程序的滥用。
- The property should belong to me of right. 按照法律这笔财产应当属于我。
- The abuse of coercive measures leads to the misuse of the term. “强制措施”的滥用,造成了犯罪嫌疑人身份的错用。
- The abuse of intellectual property rights impairs the value targets of IPRs to encourage innovation, fair competitions and the balance of interest. 知识产权滥用损害了知识产权法激励创新、公平竞争和利益平衡的价值目标。
- The Bill of Rights safeguards our individual liberties. 权力法案保护我们的个人自由。
- His political reputation was tainted by his abuse of the power. 他因滥用职权而破坏了政治声誉。
- The system of procedural judicature has important meaning to defense the abuse of powers and protect the legal rights and interests of the parties. 程序性裁判机制的构建对于防范国家公权力滥用与保障当事人的合法权益具有重大的意义。
- The new laws constitute a safeguard against the abuse of government power. 新法律可以防止滥用政府权力。
- To avoid the abuse of the visitation right, marriage law has prescribedthe termination and resumption of the visitation right. 为防止探望权的滥用,婚姻法规定了探望权的中止与恢复。
- Preventing the abuse of IPR needs joint efforts from international community. 禁止滥用知识产权需要国际社会的共同努力。