- The absolute being thinking is a way of thinking namely so-called psychology idea of language based on the language that takes the language as the leadership in the course of writing. “神思”是指写作中以语言活动为主导的思维方式,即所谓“言为枢机”的语言心理观念。
- the absolute being thinking 神思
- The absolute being farmland form, such as hillock, soft and beautiful its water, the limpidity of the water. 神田田田鄙吝,状如山丘,其水之柔美,水之清澄。
- Good and evil lose their meaning, and in the absolute being coincides with nonbeing. (好与坏已经失去了本来的含义,绝对的一致将不再存在。
- It stands to some reason that cosmos is an absolute being, but the absolute aim of mankind becomes rootless by reason of that theory. 将宇宙的存在看作一个纯然之事实的学说虽非毫无道理 ,但这样一来 ,人类生存意义的根基则告丧失。
- Before Kant the concept of genius usually went back and forth between the absolute being and the person, and stopped over for a time in the boundary of "say" vs. "can't say". 康德以前的天才观往往徘徊于神与人之间 ,逗留于说与不可说之界。
- We now have the absolute proof of his guilt. 我们现在有他犯罪的确凿证据。
- The regular source problem has been a theme, the absolute being idea, rationalism, political authority, ethos, custom, etc with their respective stage. 对于规则的来源问题,历来是哲学讨论的一个主题,神意、理性、政治权威、民族精神、习俗等等都成为规则不同时期的一个来源。
- The orison waited for absolute being. 等待着神的祈祷。
- Steven walked like the demigods he was thinking of. 史蒂文走起路来像他想像中的英雄人物一样。
- The company had the absolute monopoly of import of french wine. 该公司对法国酒的进口有绝对的垄断。
- We'll be thinking about you all the time. 我们会经常想到你的。
- The absolute being of the network 网络之神
- One: What is it like to be the Absolut Hunk? |能当上绝对猛男 你有什么感觉?
- No one can attest to the absolute truth of his statement. 没有人可以证明他的话是绝对正确的。
- I am thinking maybe we can go canoeing. 我在考虑也许我们可以去划独木舟。
- I can attest to the absolute truth of his story. 我可以证实他的话是千真万确的。
- The absolute storage address of the beginning of a program or block. 一个程序或数据块开始的绝对存储器地址。
- That's just what I was thinking. 我也是这么想的。
- In this regard, the child may be thought of as having two homes. 就这一点而言,可以说这孩子有两个家。