- We all hope for the abolition of war. 我们都希望消灭战争。
- It has been two years since the abolition of the custom. 这种习俗已经废止两年了。
- The abolition of slavery had been exercised in many countries. 奴隶制在许多国家已经被废除。
- Few people would not exult at the abolition of slavery. 奴隶制被废除了,人们无不为之欢欣鼓舞。
- He long urged the abolition of capital punishment. 他长期要求废除死刑。
- Advocacy of the abolition of slavery. 废奴主义废除奴隶制的主张
- They declared for the abolition of slavery. 他们声明赞成废除奴隶制度。
- Many men fought for the abolition of slavery. 许多人为废除奴隶制度而奋斗.
- Tentatively it can be suggested that this is the main influence upon those who urge the abolition of capital punishment. 可以这样探讨性地提出,那些竭力主张废除死刑的人们主要是受怜悯的影响。
- He declared for the abolition of slavery. 他赞成废除奴隶制度。
- Someone asked the government to adopt the abolition of the Slavery. 有人要求政府废除奴隶制。
- French people declared for the abolition of slavery. 法国民众赞成自由、博爱、平等。
- Their discussion centred around the abolition of slavery. 他们的讨论是以废除奴隶制度为中心而进行的。
- The abolition of the monarchy was part of their price. 废除君主制是他们的其中一部分条件。
- Professor Eagleson called for the abolition of the Word "hereby". 伊格里森教授主张废弃“特此”一词。
- Have the slaves really got freedom after the abolition of slavery? 奴隶制废除以后,奴隶们真的获得了自由吗?
- Obama opposed the abolition of the ban on offshore drilling. 奥巴马反对取消海上钻井禁令。
- He introduced a bill in Parliament for the abolition of income tax. 他在国会提出一项法案要求取消所得税。
- December 2 is the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery. 每年的12月2日,是废除奴隶制国际日。
- This third approach involves the abolition of dual track IPO. 这就牵涉到第三种办法取消新股发行双轨制。