- The Abbot of Misrule counted the seconds off on his fingers. 议员用它的手指数着秒。
- He was one of the Abbots of Misrule, and his portfolio was to journey into the world of Krynn and dispense bad advice and terrible truths. 他是混乱评议会的一名长老,他的主要职责就是在克莱恩位面上出差,像智囊团一样到处提供意见和建议-不过与智囊团不同的是,他提供的大多是坏的。
- "A nobility of the spirit," said the Abbot of Misrule, a small smile flickering across his face. "Then isn't our question not 'What is good?' but 'What is nobility?' " “灵魂的高尚,”混乱评议会的议员闪着微笑说,“我们的问题不就从‘什么是善良’变成‘什么是高尚’了吗?”
- the abbot of misrule "糊涂道长"(中世纪主持圣诞节狂欢嬉闹活动的人)
- The shepherd showed the berries to the abbot of a nearby monastery. 牧羊人把梅子给附近修道院的修道士看。
- The country suffered years of misrule under a weak king. 该国因国王懦弱而长期混乱不治。
- All the priories were made directly subject to the abbot of Cluny. 所有小修道院都由克呂尼的院长直接管理。
- The abbot of this temple is a monk of great achievements in the Tao. 寺里的这位住持是得道的高僧。
- The abbot told him to obey the rules. 修道院院长告诉他要遵守规定。
- Venerable Sik Kwang Sheng, the executive advisor of this event, is the abbot of Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery. 光明山普觉禅寺方丈,释广声法师,是这场音乐会的执行顾问。
- NUM= 21127 The Abbot of Three Peaks Monastery has told you that his monks were murdered by a Lotus Assassin. 三峰修道院的院长告诉你他的修道士们都被一个莲花刺客下了毒手。
- The Gelug Sect rose during the Ming Dynasty,and the 3rd Dalai Lama was the abbot of one of the sect's monasteries. 格鲁派在明代兴起,三世达赖喇嘛本是格鲁派的一个寺院的住持。
- The Gelug Sect rose during the Ming Dynasty, and the 3rd Dalai Lama was the abbot of one of the sect's monasteries. 格鲁派在明代兴起,三世达赖喇嘛本是格鲁派的一个寺院的住持。
- More than a hundred years ago there lived not far away a kind-hearted man who was called the Abbot of Aberbrothock. 距今天一百多年以前,在那附近住著一位心地慈悲的人,他的名字叫做艾布洛撒克方丈。
- This is the abbot of a Shaolin Temple to learn the skills of the elderly known as one of Shaolin Zen. 这一个少林寺的方丈学习了这个老人的功夫,称为少林内劲一指禅。
- After long discussion, the King and the Abbot of Northshire agree that Medivh should be taken to the Abbey for the safety of both child and kingdom. 经过长时间的讨论,国王和北郡的修道士决定为了这个孩子和王国的安全,将麦迪文送到修道院里。
- Later, after twists and turns, he became the abbot of the Mogao Grottoes, controlling one of the most magnificent treasure houses of ancient Chinese culture. 几经转折,不幸由他当了莫高窟的家,把持着中国古代最灿烂的文化。
- Whenever his business allowed, he went to listen to Sutra lectures given by the Bhikshu Panthaka, the abbot of the monastery and a senior disciple of Narada. 只要生意不忙,他就去听潘舍卡比丘讲经;这位比丘是这间寺庙的住持,也是那拉达尊者的老弟子。
- The abbot professed three of the young monks. 修道院院长在年轻的修道士中接纳了三人进入教团。
- I have mentioned with the abbot! 我早就跟方丈提过了!