- In "Shigong"dance of the Yao ethnic group, "Nuyou"dance is found, 如瑶族的师公舞中有"女游舞",
- The Embroidery Art of the Yao Ethnic Group of Ruyuan in North of Guangdong 粤北乳源瑶族刺绣艺术
- A study of the polymorphisms of CSFlPO,TPOX and TH01 loci in the Yao ethnic group of Jinxiu in Guangxi province 广西金秀瑶族CSFlPO、TPOX和TH01的多态性
- The former was produced after she investigated the mountain area where the Yao ethnic group lived in compact communities; 前者是她到瑶族聚居的山区采风后加工而成;
- The former was produced after she investigated the mountain area where the Yao ethnic group lived in compact communities 前者是她到瑶族聚居的山区采风后加工而成
- the Yao Ethnic Group 瑶族
- The folk tales of gourd are told among the Lahu, Lisu, Wa, Naxi, Miao and Yao ethnic groups in Yunnan. 云南的拉祜、傈僳、佤、纳西、苗、瑶等少数民族,都有葫芦神话。
- In linguistics, Tai Yu means a language family including modern Thai, and the native languages of the Dai, the Yao and other minority ethnic groups in Southern China. 在语言学上,"台语"指的是包括现代泰语、中国南方傣族瑶族等少数民族语在内的语族,
- A member of the predominant ethnic group of Iran. 法尔西人伊朗主要种族的一员
- Shipai System of Yao Ethnic Group and Its Role in Southern Ethnic Customary Law 瑶族石牌制及其在南方民族习惯法中的地位
- The Yi ethnic group has many branches. 彝族的支系甚多,
- The customs of this ethnic group? 都有哪些风俗习惯吗?
- The Miao-Yao language of the Yao. 苗瑶语瑶族人所说的苗瑶语
- The She ethnic group has a long history. 畬族是中国的一个古老纯朴的民族。
- Muzabu minorities and the Tuareg ethnic group. 少数民族有姆扎布族和图阿雷格族。
- Being a member of a particular ethnic group. 种族一员的作为一特定种族集团中的成员的
- The Bai Ethnic Group has its own distinct culture. 白族是一个有自己独特文化的民族。
- His tutor is from the Pumi ethnic group. 他的家庭教师是普米族人。
- Genetic polymorphisms of 15 STR loci of Jinxiu Yao ethnic group in Guangxi province 广西金秀瑶族15个STR基因座遗传多态性
- the Yao ethnic people 瑶族