- Macao is a bridge to mingle the west and east culture and to link the sides of channel. 澳门社会是中西文化融合,同时也是连结海峡两岸的桥梁。
- It played an important role during the spread of Catholicism in China and improved the mutual understanding between the West and East. 自鸣钟在天主教传华的历史进程中扮演了至关重要的角色,成为东西方相互了解的媒介。
- Its South Bund vantage point affords unparalleled view of the West and East sides of the Huang Pu River. 从南外滩优越的地理位置能尽赏到浦江两岸的旖旎风光。
- Portugal is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the west and south and by Spain to the north and east. 葡萄牙的西部和南部是大西洋的海岸,北部和东部邻西班牙。
- It forms the mainland of Great Britain and consists of three countries: Scotland in the north ,wales in the west and England in the south and east . 不列颠岛即英国的本土,它由三个国家组成:北面是苏格兰,西面是威尔士。南面和东面是英格兰。
- I looked to the west and caught a break in the clouds. There was hope! 我向西边瞧,看见云散开了一些,有希望了!
- Being the westernmost country of mainland Europe, Portugal is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the west and south and by Spain to the north and east. 除了欧洲大陆的领土以外,大西洋的亚速群岛和马德拉群岛都是葡萄牙的领土。澳门在1999年交还中国前,曾是葡萄牙的殖民地。
- Review the different paradigms of bodily conception in the west and east, explore the possible aspects and understand how our body is built by modernity. 回顾东西方身体观不同的范式,探索种种可能的向度,理解现代性是怎样模塑我们身体的。
- However, the west and east margins of the Ordos Basin experienced distinct vertical movements, with the east margin uplifting and the west margin subsiding. 至中生代燕山期,盆地受到了东西向挤压作用,基底内部形态基本保持不变,盆地基底边缘有明显的垂向活动,具体表现为东升西降;
- The proper intensity of cold air from the west and east made Winnie extratropical transition(ET), formed extratropical cyclone(EC) and produced severe precipitation. 东、西两侧冷空气作用使其变性加强,形成温带气旋,引起强降水。
- Just look towards the west and find a friend. 望西方吧寻找你的朋友。
- It is bordered on the north, northeast, and east by Iran, on the northwest by Iraq and Kuwait, on the west and southwest by Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and Qatar, and on the south and southeast by the United Arab Emirates and part of Oman. 它的北面、东北面和东面是伊朗,西北面是伊拉克和科威特,西面和西南面是沙特阿拉伯、巴林和卡塔尔,南面和东南面则是阿拉伯联合酋长国和阿曼的一部分。
- Terrain: High in the West and lower in the East. 地形:中国地势西高东低。
- The author observed that the literary spirit developed during the West and East Jin Dynasties was damaged by the tendency of philistinism among bureaucratic classes where elements of humanity in the mainstream ideas was twisted. 西晋的文学精神由于士族阶层的世俗化 ,导致“正始之音”中人文精神的被扭曲 ,实开六朝后期浮靡文风之先河。
- Founded in 1852, Wells, Fargo transported gold between the west and east coasts in the wake of the California gold rush.By 1866 it had gained control of almost all stagecoach business in the West. 1852年成立的威尔斯-法戈公司,经营因加州淘金潮而快速成长的银行和快递业务,1866年几乎所有的西部驿运业务都汇集在威尔斯-法戈公司名下。
- How to leverage the most out of the West and best of the East? 如何整合东西方的优势?
- Ridership of the West and East Rails 西铁及东铁的乘客量
- The sun rises in the east, and sinks in the west. 太阳从东边升起,在西方落下。
- The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. 太阳从东方升起,在西方落下。
- It's often wet in the West and sometimes it's warm in the South. 西部经常很潮湿而南部有时温暖。