- the Uighur nationality peasant 维吾尔族农民
- "Altai" means gold in the Uighur language. "阿尔泰"在维吾尔语中是金子的意思。
- The Compare Analysis on the Divorce Rate of the Uighur Nationality with Other Minority in Xinjiang 新疆维吾尔族人口离婚率民族及地区差异比较分析
- the Uighur nationality 维吾尔族
- The Turkish State died out and the Uighur State was established. 突厥国亡国,维吾尔国家建立。
- The Turkic language of the Uigurs. 维吾尔语维吾尔人的土耳其语
- Turk, the Uighur language of the Altai language Turkic languages. 突厥、回鹘语言属阿尔泰语系突厥语族。
- The Uighur,originally called Ouigour,sprang from the ancient tribe Teli. 回鹘,原称回纥,是铁勒(中国古族名)诸部之一。
- The Uighur, originally called Ouigour, sprang from the ancient tribe Teli. 回鹘,原称回纥,是铁勒(中国古族名)诸部之一。
- The bell gave forth a peasant, lingering sound. 钟奏起了悠扬悦耳的曲调。
- Butthese privileges fail to bring true benefits to the Uighur people. 但这些特别待遇不能给维吾尔人带来真正的好处。
- The poor peasant was thrown into a dungeon. 那个可怜的农民被投进了地牢。
- This is a very dark day in the history of the Uighur people," he said. 这是维吾尔人历史上非常黑暗的一天。”他说。
- The peasant laboured for a mere pittance. 农民仅仅是为了微不足道的收入而辛苦地劳作。
- Earlier in the week the tiny Pacific Island nation of Palau agreed to temporarily take in 17 of the Uighur detainees, who the US government says may face persecution if they are returned to China. 在这个星期的早些时候,细小的太平洋岛国帕劳同意暂时接收17名被拘留的维吾尔人。美国政府说,如果他们回到中国可能会面临迫害。
- Sixth National Peasant about to be held in Quanzhou, Fujian Province, we will be in body-building and peer Olympic spirit, the good people of the sports event. 第六届全国农运会即将在福建泉州举行,我们将本着全民健身与奥运同行的精神,办好这一群众体育运动的盛会。
- The minority nationality concert lasted two hours. 少数民族音乐会持续了两个小时。
- In 744, the Uighur founded a khanate in Mobei, and later dispatched troops twice to help the Tang central authorities to quell the An Lushan-Shi Siming Rebellion. 公元744年,发展壮大了的回鹘于漠北建立政权,并两次出兵帮助唐朝中央政权平息“安史之乱”。
- In the middle of the ninth century, when the Uighur, who were believers in Manichaeism, moved westward to Xinjiang, they promoted the development of the religion in the region. 九世纪中叶,以摩尼教为国教的回鹘西迁新疆后,促进了摩尼教在新疆的发展。
- The failure of their crops spelt disaster for the peasant farmers. 作物歉收农民就要受灾。