- the USSR rs collapse 苏联的解体
- Relations with the USSR are improving. 与苏联的关系正在改善.
- Formed shortly after the breakup of the USSR. 东欧凤凰是在苏联解体后产生的恐怖主义组织。
- Russia's own national identity has been in flux since the collapse of the USSR, along with its ideology and multi-ethnic empire. 自从苏联这个多民族帝国及其意识形态崩溃之后,俄罗斯的民族认同一直处于变化之中。
- Central Asia reemerged from the collapse of the USSR in 1991 as one of the political and security challenging regions, intensifying the struggle among competing powers. 摘要1991年苏联解体之后,中亚成为全球安全情势最具挑战的地区之一,强权在中亚的权力竞逐亦日趋白热化。
- Relationship: Relations with the USSR are improving. 与苏联的关系正在改善。
- The chemical institutes of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. 苏联科学院化学研究机构。
- This first satellite was today successfully launched in the USSR. 第一颗人造卫星今天在苏联成功发射。”
- If this is your first visit to the USSR, you are welcome to it. 如果这是您第一次访问苏联,欢迎!
- Spring: Elected deputy to Supreme Soviet of the USSR. 最高苏维埃代表。
- In the summer of 1949, the USSR had detonated an atomic bomb. 1949年夏天,苏联引爆了第一颗原子弹。
- He collapse the wheelchair and put it on the boat. 他将轮椅折叠起来放在船上。
- The shack seemed almost ready to collapse. 那小屋子好像是快要倒塌了。
- In 1955, went to Moscow's Stalin Automotive Factory in the USSR for training. 一九五五年赴苏联莫斯科斯大林汽车厂实习。
- She published three books on China and three on the USSR plus I Change Worlds. 她出版了三部关于中国的书和三部关于苏联的书,还有一部《我改变世事》。
- The cartoon ended with collapse of stout party. 卡通以一个自以为是的人斗败后目瞪口呆作为结束。
- The first woman in space was Valentina Tershkova who was also from the USSR. 第一个进入太空的妇女是瓦伦汀娜特什科娃,她也是苏联宇航员。
- The wind caused the tent to collapse. 风把帐篷吹塌了。
- The USSR wishes to substitute gas for oil for its European satellites. 前苏联希望在其欧洲附属国实行燃气换石油计划。
- The USSR didn't collapse because its economy was strangled by a central command model.Rather it collapsed because any central-controlled complexity is unstable and inflexible. 苏联的崩溃并非因为中央集权体制扼杀了经济,而是因为所有由中央控制的复杂系统都僵化且不稳定。