- You should talk to the Transport Department. 你应该找交通部门。
- The Transportation Department was in disarray. 美国交通部一片混乱。
- The Transport Department services on-line gives you more fun on driving. 运输署的网上服务,给您更多驾驶乐趣!
- The bureau is supported by the Transport Department,which is headed by the Commissioner for Transport. 运输局由其辖下的运输署协助执行职务。
- The Transport Department is committed to promote the rights for accessibility to public transport service. 运输署致力促进所有人士使用公共交通服务的权利。
- The Transport Department is ready to work in this direction in partnership with the taxi trade. 运输署将会朝这个方向与的士业有紧密的合作。
- The bureau is supported by the Transport Department, which is headed by the Commissioner for Transport. 运输局由其辖下的运输署协助执行职务。
- Our staffs in the transportation department are fully committed . 我们运输部的全体职员工作都很认真。
- Information on the different types of driving licence and driving tests may be obtained from any Licensing Office of the Transport Department. 各种驾驶执照及考试的资料,可向运输署各牌照事务处查询。
- Applications for renewal of vehicle licence may also be submitted through the drop-in box at the licensing offices of the Transport Department. 换领车辆牌照的申请人亦可利用设于运输署牌照事务处内的投递箱递交申请。
- Additional rules for drivers of articulated vehicles can be obtained from any Licensing Office of the Transport Department. 有关驾驶挂接式车辆的规则,可向运输署牌照事务处查询。
- As required by law, the new owner should deliver the original of the notice to the Transport Department, and the former owner the duplicate. 法例规定,新车主须向运输署递交通知书正本,而旧车主则呈交副本。
- Non-franchised public bus services shall be operated under passenger service licence issued by the Transport Department. 所有营运非专利公共巴士服务均须根据运输署核发的客运营业证而营运。
- A former owner should not hand over the vehicle registration document to the new owner until the Transport Department has registered the transfer. 旧车主在运输署记录该车的转让之前,不应将车辆登记文件交给新车主。
- The transport of goods by air is very expensive. 空运货物费用十分昂贵。
- STEPHEN BREYER: The Transportation Department said that this may hurt Pan Am. 运输部认为这可能会损害泛美航空公司。
- Residents'organisations may invite on-franchised operators to operate such services under passenger service licences issued by the Transport Department. 居民巴士服务须获运输署签发客运牌照才能经营,居民组织可邀请非专利经营者申办这类服务。
- In order to improve the quality of taxi services in Hong Kong, the Ad Hoc Quality Taxi Services Steering Committee was established in mid-1999 by the Transport Department. 为提高香港的士服务质素,运输署于1999年中成立优质的士服务督导委员会。
- Regarding the recommendation of relaxing driving license requirements for container trucks, the Transport Department will review the present requirements. 因应放宽货柜车司机考获驾驶执照要求的建议,运输署会检讨目前的发牌条件。
- In the past year or so, under the Quality Taxi Services Steering Committee, the taxi associations have worked with the Transport Department to help promote better service. 在过去一年多,在优质的士服务督导委员会的领导下,各的士商会与运输署携手合作,联合推广更高质素的的士服务的重要性。