- The tory party is very strong in the shire. 保守党在农村各郡势力很强。
- The Tory party always holds together in times of crisis. 保守党在紧要关头总是能团结一致。
- Ted Heath and the Tory Party offered a better deal. 爱德华·希思和保守党提出了更好的政策。
- the Tory Party conference 英国保守党会议
- The Tory party is very strong in the shires . 保守党在农村各郡势力很强。
- The Tories(= the Tory party)lost the election. 英国保守党在选举中失败。
- She had convinced half of Europe and a good section of America that she was a good leader for the Tory Party. 她已经使半个欧洲和美国大多数人相信她是保守党的一个好领袖。
- The Tory party, in fact, has for most of its history succeeded by eschewing systems and managing not to believe too strenuously in anything. 实际上,保守党在历史上大多数时候是成功地躲开了各种体制,做到了对任何事物都不是十分信任。
- And that of course not only greatly bolstered her standing within the Tory Party, it bolstered her standing in the country, and it greatly enhanced her reputation internationally. 这不但极大支持了她在保守党内部的声望,而且也支持了她在整个国家的声望;另外也提高了她的国际威望。
- The tory party is very strong in the shire 保守党在农村各郡势力很强。
- The Tory candidate stands a good chance of getting in. 保守党候选人很有当选可能。
- 1. The tory party is very strong in the shire . 保守党在农村各郡势力很强。
- He(Gorbachev) has his eye on more than the impending summit meeting with Ronald Reagan. An unusually important Communist Party conference is only a month away. 他(戈尔巴乔夫)不仅着眼于即将与里根举行的高层会,一项非常重要的共产党会议仅有一个月即将召开。
- The tory candidate stand a good chance of get in. 保守党候选人很有当选可能。
- The tory party always holds together in times of crisis 保守党在紧要关头总是能团结一致
- I think the Tory's have a fighting chance of winning the next election. 我认为英国保守党要经过艰苦的努力才有可能赢得下届的竞选成功。
- Cameron is 40 - and the Tory party sounds like a dad thinking aloud 马伦是40和保守党听起来像爸爸大声思维
- The tory candidate is voted in . 保守党的候选人当
- A newspaper which is merely the mouthpiece of the Tory party 仅为英国保守党喉舌的报纸.
- The Tory candidate received/polled 8000 votes. 保守党候选人获8000选票.