- Basically, the gongti, whose theme was nobles' travel, represented a new fad in writing during the Six Dynasties period. 宫体基本上是一种新变文风,以贵游引领风骚。
- Its rise and fall, as a example, proved that a close contact with people in authority was key to the acquisition and maintenance of family status in the Six Dynasties periods. 虞氏家族在此期间的盛衰荣枯,例证了能否与权力中枢建立并保持密切的联系,实乃中古家族可否晋身士流并维系其门第的关键所在。
- Buddhist Text Translation During the Six Dynasties Period: Its Impact Upon Ancient Chinese Poetry 魏晋南北朝时期佛经翻译对中国古典诗歌的影响
- On the Family Trait and Family Education of Clan Zhang in Wu Perfecture in the Six Dynasties Period 略论六朝时期吴郡张氏的家学与家风
- On the Family Trait and Family Learning of Clan Yu in KuaiJi Perfectrue in the Six Dynasties Period 六朝时期会稽虞氏之家风与家学
- On the Family Trait and the Family Learning of Clan Lu in Wu Perfecture during the Six Dynasties Period 六朝时期吴郡陆氏之家风与家学
- Three Issues of the Fu of Birds, Beasts and Bugs in the Han and Wei Dynasties and the Six Dynasties Period 汉魏六朝鸟兽虫赋三题
- the Six Dynasties Period 六朝时期
- RUAN JI is a prominent ideologist and poet in the Six Dynasties. 摘要阮籍是魏晋南北朝时期极富特色的思想家、文学家之一。
- Therefore, Xu Bangda asserts that "It is done during the Six Dynasties Period (AD 222-589) and its style is that of pre-Tang Dynasty (AD 618-907)." 故徐邦达先生认为“它来自六朝旧本”,“正是初唐以前的风格”。
- This article shows the agreement and discrepancy between classical teaching and social practice with regard to women's life in the Six Dynasties. 摘要本文采用正史,文学作品,考古资料和墓志铭等史料探讨六朝妇女生活。
- This gourmet center of complete Chinese style reflects the prosperity of Confucius Temple in this ancient capital of the six Dynasties. 纯中式风格的美食中心,体现了六朝古都的夫子庙的繁荣氛围。
- The antitheses of funeral eulogies were relatively laggardly, and furthermore the number of the funeral eulogies was quite small in the Six Dynasties. 摘要诔文在六朝时期的骈化进程是比较缓慢的,而且数量也不多。
- the Six Dynasty Period 六朝
- Modem studies tend to focus on the relation between the two theories on Wen and Bi, one from Wen Xin Diao Long, the other from the Six Dynasties. 故近现代以来不少专家学者对此重要问题撰文予以探讨,其中又较为集中在《文心雕龙》的“文笔”论及其与六朝时期“文笔”论之关系的研究上。
- Including bronzes unearthed in Anyang, Luoyang Jomon pottery unearthed in the pre-Qin; Tang Sancai, such as the Six Dynasties. 包括安阳出土的铜器;洛阳出土的先秦绳纹陶;六朝的唐三彩等。
- Women's economic activities in South China during the Six Dynasties (222-589) mainly involved sericulture, weaving and other forms of manual labor. 摘要六朝时期江南妇女的经济活动,主要是从事养蚕纺织等手工劳动。
- While ghosts of the Six Dynasties pass like a dream Around the Forbidden City, under weeping willows Which loom still for three miles along the misty moat. 江雨霏霏江草齐六朝如梦鸟空啼无情最是台城柳。
- Abstract: Fictitious dements manifested in narrative works in Han Wei and the six dynasties demonstrate that people af that time generally had a fictitious awareness. 文章摘要: 汉魏六朝时期出现的大量具有虚构成分的叙事作品,足以说明当时人们较普遍地具备了自觉的虚构意识。
- The consciousness of foregrounding Qing is influenced by the metaphysics and is also a great contribution to the traditional Chinese culture aesthetically in the Six Dynasties. 尚“清”意识是玄学思想影响下的产物,也是六朝美学对中国传统文化的一大贡献。