- Bronze mirrors began to be used as early as the Shang Dynasty. 早在商朝就开始使用青铜镜了。
- C. when the Shang dynasty emerged from the era of prehistory. 此时商王朝出现。
- The Xia Dynasty of China ended and the Shang dynasty began. 中国的夏王朝寿终正寝而商王朝开始了。
- Much bronzeware of the Shang Dynasty was decorated with animal patterns. 青铜器上大都布满了兽面纹样,
- The Shang dynasty saw the discovery of bronze and the practice of sericulture. 商朝时发现了青铜,开始学会养蚕。
- The Shang Dynasty rulers treasured bronzeware, especially the bronze sacrificial vessels. 商周时期造型精美的青铜器,特别是青铜礼器,极为统治者所珍视。
- The discovery occurred in anyang, Henan Province, which was the capital city of the Shang Dynasty. 发现地是河南省安阳,那里是当年殷商的故都。
- The earliest Chinese written language appeared in the Shang Dynasty (c.1600-1100 B.C.). 最早的文字出现于商代。
- The second part described how Emperor Zhou was overthrown and the Shang Dynasty came to an end. 第二段表现灭了商朝,
- The falchion with short hilt and vessel like dustpan from Dayangzhou are the longest ones, and the huge ye-tomahawk from Dayangzhou is the heaviest one in the Shang Dynasty. 大洋洲的短柄翘首刀、箕形器是商代同类器型中最大者,大钺是商代同类器型中最厚重者,也是商代唯一一处同时出土上述4种青铜仪杖器的遗存。
- Beijing to take shape during the later period of the Shang Dynasty, Binjing exist as a city more than 3000years ago. 北京的形成在商代以后,北京以一个城市出现,是在3000多年前!
- Anyang in Henan province was one of the several capitals of the Shang dynasty (15th-11th B. C.). 河南省安阳是商朝(公元前16世纪至前11世纪)的几个建都的城市之一。
- The dance "Dawu" was composed by the Duke of Zhou after Emperor Wu successfully overthrew the Shang Dynasty. 周乐《大武》,是武王伐纣胜利后由周公创编的
- The oracles carved on bones of the Shang Dynasty revealed a mature system of 4500 words. 商代甲骨上锲刻的卜辞约有45000字,显示出甲骨文字的成熟。
- It's well-known for its collection of bronzeware, the oldest dating from the Shang dynasty. 这博物馆以收藏青铜器出名,最古的青铜器是商朝的。
- The written history of China begins with the Shang Dynasty, ca. 1600 BC - ca. 1100 BC. 中国的文字记载的历史以商朝开始;大约公元前1600年-大约公元前1100年.
- The government of the Shang dynasty was highly centralized, with a king and royal bureaucracy. 商朝的政权高度集中在国王和贵族官僚的手中。
- The Yin Ruins is famous for the oracle inscriptions, the bronze wares and the ancient capital of the Shang Dynasty. 殷墟因甲骨文、青铜器和商朝古都而闻名。
- Chopsticks have been China's primary eating utensil since at least the Shang Dynasty, circa 1500 B.C. 从商朝起(公无前1500年)筷子成为中国主要的饮食用具,但筷子总是用优质材料制成,可清洗及再利用。
- This date was firmly confirmed in the 1920's by the oracles found in the Shang Dynasty remains. 这个年代可由20世纪20年代出土的商代甲骨文证实。