- These are the cultural legacies of the Renaissance. 这些是文艺复兴时期的文化遗产。
- Florence is the shrine of the Renaissance. 佛罗伦萨是文艺复兴的圣地。
- He was a child of the Renaissance. 他是文艺复兴时期的产物。
- The poet was born during the Renaissance period. 这名诗人出生在文艺复兴时代。
- Da Vinci is a famous painter of the Renaissance. 达芬奇是文艺复兴时期著名的画家。
- Copyright was a by-product of the Renaissance. 版权是文艺复兴的副产物。
- I was a man of the Renaissance that evening. 那天晚上我是一个文艺复兴时代的人。
- The Italian beginning of the Renaissance. 意大利开始文艺复兴。
- The sculptor belongs to the Renaissance school. 这个雕刻家属于文艺复兴流派。
- During the Renaissance, Latin was greatly used. 在文艺复兴时期,拉丁文被大量使用。
- Durer was the leader of the Renaissance in Germany. 丢勒是德国文艺复兴的代表人物。
- A wind instrument of the Renaissance with a curving tube and a double reed. 双簧弯管文艺复兴时期的一种带有一个弯曲的吹管和双簧片的管乐器
- The Renaissance artists were universal men. 文艺复兴时期的艺术家们是无所不知的。
- Why did the Renaissance begin in Italy? 文艺复兴为何最早产生在意大利?
- The fine arts revived during the Renaissance. 在文艺复兴时期美术复兴了。
- Humanism is the major content of the Renaissance. 人文主义思想是文艺复兴的主要内容。
- Florence is the shrine of the Renaissance . 这些是文艺复兴时期的文化遗产。
- The EEC further stimulate the renaissance of Western Europe. 这一共同体进一步刺激了西欧的复兴。
- Latin since the Renaissance; used for scientific nomenclature. 文艺复兴以后的拉丁语;用做科学术语。
- Jardine sees the Renaissance as the first consumer boom. 贾丁认为文艺复兴是挥霍者们的第一次消费热潮。