- It did not use capital punishment on any of the Japanese war criminals,the war criminals of the puppet Manchuria regime,the Kuomintang war criminals or on the last emperor of the feudal Qing Dynasty. 中国对日本侵华战犯,伪满洲国战犯,国民党战犯,乃至封建清王朝的末代皇帝,没有一人被判处死刑。
- the Puppet Manchuria Regime 伪满洲国
- As the predecessor of the puppet Manchuria Harmony Association, the puppet Harmony Party has not been given due attention to in the research cycle. 伪满协和党作为伪满协和会的前身,目前国内关于该问题的研究还不够深入和系统。
- The research on the payment of taxes in puppet Manchuria regime time 伪满洲国赋税简考
- However, the puppet party was abolished only two months later and a new organization the Puppet Manchuria Harmony Association was set up on the basis of the former puppet Harmony Party. 然而,伪满协和党仅仅存在两个月即被废除,马上又以伪满协和党为基础成立伪满协和会。
- From Mar. 1933 to Feb. 1935, backed up by the Nazi leaders, Heye, a German merchant, staged a farce of trying to acknowledge the puppet Manchuria government under the pretence of developing trade in the Far East. 1933年 3月 -1 935年 2月 ,德国商人海耶在纳粹党领导人的支持下 ,以开拓远东贸易名义 ,演出了一场企图承认伪满洲国的闹剧。
- All the efforts made by the imperialists to save the puppet regime went for nothing. 帝国主义者为了挽救那傀儡政权所花的一切力气都白费了。
- studies on literature of the puppet Manchuria state 伪满洲国文学研究
- Puppet Manchuria Regime Period 伪满时期
- He jerked the string and the puppet jumped. 他猛地一拉绳子,木偶就跳了起来。
- Analysis of the characteristics of the colonial education in puppet Manchurian regime and historical reflection 伪满洲国殖民教育特点及历史反思
- The puppet soldier cried for mercy. 伪军高呼饶命。
- The puppet troops suffered disastrous defeat. 伪军遭到了灾难性的失败。
- First, he cut out the puppet's head. 一开始,他刻出木偶的头。
- Jenna: Is the puppet show about season? 简娜:木偶剧是关于季节的吗?
- The puppet troops came apart at the seams. 伪军彻底崩溃了。
- He followed him north and then the puppet regime collapsed. 他跟随溥仪北上,那个傀儡政权却崩溃了。
- The children enjoyed the puppet show. 孩子们喜欢木偶表演。
- Oppositely,in order to further carry on the"open-door"policy,the economical contacts didn't stop between America and the puppet regime in Manchuria,this situation stayed until the war of Pacific Ocean in 1941. 值得探究的是,虽然美国一直都没有承认伪满洲国,但是对日本的侵略政策也没有作出实际行动来加以制止,相反,为了更好地执行“门户开放”政策,美国与满洲的经济联系并没有因此中断,这种情况一直持续到1941年的太平洋战争。
- The decadent puppet regime was falling apart. 那个堕落的傀儡政权正在土崩瓦解。