- The soil had been turned up by the plough. 那片地是用犁翻的。
- The plough sliced through the earth. 犁破土向前。
- This is a soil reluctant to the plough. 这土地很难耕作。
- He shall teach man the use of the plough. 他将教会人类如何使用犁。
- He exchanged the plough for the sword. 他以犁换剑(化干戈为玉帛)。
- His weapons are the plough and the mace. 他的武器是犁和钉头。
- There are actually under the plough 800acres. 实际耕种的土地有八百英亩。
- He has a very large acreage under the plough. 他有很大面积的耕地。
- He yoked the oxen to the plough. 他用轭把牛套上犁。
- The soil is hard and reluctant to the plough. 地硬难耕。
- Four animals are pulling the plough. 四只家畜正在拉犁。
- My family taught me how to use the plough. 家人教会了我如何使用犁耕地。
- After the war, he gave up the sword for the plough. 战争结束后,他解甲归田。
- Uncle Wang put the plough down in a field. 王伯伯把犁降落在田地里了。
- The plough dug a series of furrows across the field. 犁穿过田地时挖出了一道道的犁沟。
- Harvests increased because farmers took more land under the plough. 粮食产量所以上升,是因为农民耕作了更多土地。
- I am repairing the plough to get prepared for tilling next year. 我正在修理耒耜,为明年的耕种做好准备。
- The farmer is at the plough. 那个农民在种田。
- Johnny had put his hand to the plough,and he was not the man to turn back. 约翰尼已经着手干了,而且他不是那种半途而废的人。
- Johnny had put his hand to the plough, and he was not the man to turn back. 约翰尼已经着手干了,而且他不是那种半途而废的人。