- The Nine Dragon Wall in Beijing 北京九壁
- the Nine Dragon Wall 九龙壁
- This is the Nine Dragon Screen of Datong, Shanxi. 这是山西大同的九龙壁。
- The Nine Dragons Restaurant is on the third floor. 九龙饭店在三楼。
- Years later, the Nine Dragon Hill is visited by a severe drought which causes all the crops to wither. 过了好多年,九龙山大旱,庄稼都枯死了。
- That is why there are found today on Mount Hui what is known as the Nine Dragon Thirteen Springs. 所以,现在的惠山有九龙十三泉。
- It was Emperor QianLong who added the Five Dragon Pavilions and the Nine Dragon Screen. 五龙亭和九龙壁就是乾隆皇帝加建造的。
- Descending the mountain path to the left of the Cloud Valley Temple and going through the bamboo grove, tourists can watch the Nine Dragon Falls four kilometers away. 顺云谷寺左边的山路往下走,穿过竹林,就可望见四公里远处的九瀑。
- There is a mountain spring near Shui 'Lian'Dong or Water Curtain Cave halfway up Moxing Peak. Known as the Nine Dragon Spring, it is a source of crystal-clear, sweet-flavoured water. 在摩星岭半腰,水帘洞附近,有一眼九龙泉,泉水清洌,透明洁净如玉。
- She'd be in time if she got the nine o'clock bus. 如果她赶上九点钟的汽车,她就会及时到达。
- Five dragon booth, nine dragon wall, tie ying wall in north shore will expand your sight. Watch low the flag ceremorial, then 以琼岛之白塔为中心,雄踞全园,北岸有五龙亭,九龙壁,铁影壁,使您大开眼界。降旗仪式,晚
- That night the nine dragons come again. Failing to see the tin ball, they tumble about all night in Tai Lake in a frantic search for it, but to no avail. 当天晚上,九龙飞来,不见了锡球,便在太湖里四处寻找,闹腾了整整一夜,锡球还是不见踪影。
- The Nine Dragon Screen, built in 1756, was made of colorful glazed tiles. The screen, with nine lively dragons on either side, reflects the great creativity of the Chinese working people. “九龙壁”,建于1756年,全壁用五彩琉璃瓦砌成,两面各有蟠龙九条,姿态生动,反映了我国劳动人民的创造才能。
- Zhang Yin, head of the Nine Dragons group and a delegate to the CPPCC, caused a storm by proposing that income tax rates for top-earners should be slashed by one-third. 玖龙集团董事长张茵也是全国政协委员,她提案要求将收入最高者的个人收入调节税大幅削减三分之一,引发轩然大波。
- I heard the news on the nine o'clock news. 我在九点钟的新闻广播中听到的这个新闻。
- The part about the nine dragons, however, is based on word of mouth and is undocumented.After further reading on the subject, I have yet another discovery that I would like for you to chew on. 九龙之说也是代代相传,没有文件记载,但本人看过很多不同的书籍,发现一个很有趣之说法,在此提出,大家可一同研究或算是茶余饭后的故事。
- The nine players on a side,or the whole team. 九名队员的棒球队。
- So ends the story of Hou Yi and the nine: suns. 这就是有名的后羿射日的故事。
- The nine men surrounded the tenth and beat him up. 这九个人围住地十个人,揍了他一顿。
- Of the nine that remained, three were women. 留下来的九名中,有三个是女性。