- the Naxi minority culture 纳西文化
- Lijiang is inhabited by the Naxi minority people. 丽江是纳西族人民聚居的地方。
- The area is the home of the Naxi minority, natives whose fascinating culture includes the world's last living hieroglyphic language. 丽江是纳西人的聚居地,纳西族拥有迷人的文化,比如世界上唯一“活着的”像形文字。
- It's not a Chinese (by which I mean Han) community, the region was settled by the Naxi minority, migrants from Northern Tibet several hundred years ago, who farmed the valley and its fertile lands. 这不是汉人的聚居地,这一地区一直居住着纳西族人,几百年前一些人从西藏北部移民到此。
- The minor culture groups are called subcultures. 少数民族文化群称为亚文化群。
- Lijiang's fame comes from the Dayan ancient city on the foot of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, Dongba culture of Naxi minority and the Mosuo matrilineal family. 是一座风景秀丽,历史悠久和文化灿烂的名城,也是中国罕见的保存相当完好的少数民族古城。
- The F.R. Leavis who wrote Mass Civilization and Minority Culture? 就是写大众文明和少数民族文化的那个李维斯?
- Besides, widespread legends and myths of the Naxi ethnic minority and the unclimbed Shanzidou are all important attractive spots for those who come to Jade Dragon Snow Mountain. 由于主峰山势陡峻,雄伟异常,迄今仍是无人登顶的“处女峰”,引起人们无尽的暇想和探奇的欲望。
- From ancient times, the world picture of hieroglyphics to record tens of thousands of volumes of a nation thousands of years of splendid culture, only the Naxi the "Dongba. 从古至今,世界上以成千上万卷图画象形文字记录一个民族千百年辉煌文化的,只有纳西族的“东巴经”。
- The Naxi women wear blue blouses and trousers covered by blue or black aprons. 纳西族妇女穿的是蓝色的上衣和裤子,外面是蓝色或黑色的围裙。
- Visit the Stone Forest, and the Yunnan Minority Cultural Village. 参观石林,云南少数民族文化村。
- The Dongba characters are also called the Naxi pictographic characters. 所以东巴文也称做纳西象形文字。
- As one valuable resource, the intergrowth between ethnic minority culture and environment is to let it seek new growth engines of ethnic minority become possible. 少数民族文化是一种宝贵的资源,它与环境的共生让寻求少数民族新的经济增长点成为可能。
- Mainstream culture should be sensitive not to marginalize minority culture, as hybrid as it has evolved, like the one in Halifax. 主流文化不应该将弱势阶层的文化边缘化,而是要像在哈利法克斯那样,让二者慢慢融合。
- The culture of the minority nationality trappings in our country, as an important part of Minority Culture, is the rich wealth of thousands of years. 少数民族服饰文化作为民族民间文化的重要组成部分,是千百年传承下来的财富,是不可再生资源。
- Even so, they may still cultivate their “minority culture”, because it is then generally perceived as non-threatening and folkloristic. 只有当他们与其他人联合起来才能形成少数族群,作为一个群体出现在公众的视野中,并因而成为一支社会力量,至少是一支潜在的社会力量。
- The book is also the first monograph in the world, which comprehensively summarizes and studies the Naxi musical history as well. 该书是国内外有史以来第一部全面总结研究纳西族音乐历史的专著。
- The minority nationality concert lasted two hours. 少数民族音乐会持续了两个小时。
- The Naxi use the Dongba script, which is the only ideographic writing system in use in the world today. 纳西人使用的东巴文,是目前世界上唯一存活着的象形文字。
- Nearby Lijiang, once the magnificent wood-and-cobblestone seat of the Naxi kingdom, had turned twee. 距此不远的丽江,曾经是一个令人赞叹的、用木材和圆石筑就的纳西古国首府,现在也失去了当初的淳朴。