- Her paintings hang in the National Gallery. 她的一些绘画作品在国家美术馆里展出。
- Her collection of paintings was bequeathed to the National Gallery when she died. 她去世时,她的全部藏画都遗赠给了国家美术馆。
- I went to the National Gallery,where I saw a great many pictures. 我到了国立美术馆,在那里看到了许多绘画。
- Yes, opposite this one is the National Gallery of Art. 是的,与这个相对的是国家美术馆。
- I went to the National Gallery, where I saw a great many pictures. 我到了国立美术馆,在那里看到了许多绘画。
- This picture is on loan from the Louvre to the National Gallery. 这幅画是由罗浮宫借给国家美术馆的。
- This is a good copy of the painting. The original is in the National Gallery. 这张画是一幅很好的复制品,原作保存在国家美术馆里。
- Opposite is the National Gallery, a museum with lots of famous paintings. 对面是国家美术馆,一个有很多著名画作的博物馆。
- British pianist who organized daily lunchtime concerts at the National Gallery in London during World War II. 英国钢琴家,二战时在伦敦国家画廊组织午间音乐会
- It is the highest of his ambition to have his painting exhibit in the national gallery. 在国家美术馆展览出他的画作,是他最高的志向。
- This book was written by Erika Langmuir.His analyses of the National Gallery in London are excellent and abundant. 这本书的作者将在伦敦的国家画廊的蒐集品分析的非常棒,非常丰富。
- The National Gallery has the Max Tanenbaum Collection of art with over 45 pieces primarily from Tibet and Nepal. 国家美术馆的最大Tanenbaum收藏的艺术品超过45件主要来自西藏和尼泊尔。
- THIS IS BBC LEARNING ENGLISH Helen: Sadly for us, it's time to say good bye. It's been great to see the National Gallery with Gill. 国家美术馆,每天都在接待着来自全世界各地的美术爱好者,是伦敦著名的景点之一。不过,伦敦经常下雨,就算你对美术不怎么感兴趣,我觉得趁着下雨的时候路过国家美术馆,去看看艺术家们的名画,不防也是个很好的选择。
- Stricken with pleurisy he completed a ship model of Cook's "Endeavour" which was later purchased by the National Gallery of Victoria. 饱经胸膜炎,他完成了船舶模型,库克的“奋进”后来购买的国家美术馆维多利亚。
- The place I enjoyed most was the National Gallery of Art. I spent a whole afternoon there feasting my eyes on all their modern paintings. 我最喜欢的地方是国家艺术馆。我花了整整一个下午在那里欣赏他们的现代绘画,真是一饱眼福。
- Eg: The place I enjoyed most was the National Gallery of Art. I spent a whole afternoon there feasting my eyes on all their modern paintings. 这个人说:"我最喜欢的地方是国家艺术馆。我化了整整一个下午在那里欣赏他们的现代绘画,真是饱尝了眼福。"
- Born in Melbourne Australia, Mark studied Arts at the National Gallery of Victoria and the Victorian College of the Arts. 生于澳大利亚墨尔本,曾就读于国家美术馆维多利亚文学院和维多利亚学院艺术系。
- In particular, the British Museum, the National Gallery, the Tower of London and Covent Garden made me difficult to make progress. 牢骚暂且发到这里,像妈妈说的,我最近会吃好,喝好,好好休息,尽量让自己开心。
- The national debts of that country are rolling up. 那个国家的国债在不断地增加。
- The National Gallery, London houses one of the greatest collections of European painting in the world. These pictures belong to the public and entrance to see them is free. 英国国立美术馆(位于伦敦)是世界上拥有最好的欧洲画作收藏的美术馆之一。这些绘画作品属于公众并免费对外开放。