- Annie: The Mongolian style wrestling is the main event in Nadam. 安妮:摔跤是那达慕的主要内容,蒙古式摔跤。
- The Mongolian style wrestling is the main event in Nadam. 摔跤是那达慕的主要内容,蒙古式摔跤。
- the Mongolian style wrestling 蒙古式摔跤
- The Japanese proper are of the Mongolian race. 严格意义上的日本人属于蒙古人种。
- It's next to the Mongolian restaurant. 在蒙古餐馆的隔壁。
- The Mongolian wrestler is a brawny man. 这位蒙古族跤手力大无穷。
- The Annotation of the Performance of the Mongolian Style Piano Cento "The Beautiful Horchin Girls" 蒙古族风格钢琴组曲《多姿的科尔沁姑娘》表演诠释
- The Mongolians are a warrior race. 蒙古民族是一个骁勇的民族。
- Now, the Mongolian spots in a unique triathlon race, wrestling, archery and fishing boat, beach volleyball, swimming, and other participatory activities. 现在,该景点开展有蒙古族独有的铁人三项赛马、摔跤、射箭,以及船上垂钓、沙滩排球、游泳等参与性活动。
- "The Nadam Meeting":an annual grand festival of the Mongolian people held in July or August,and featuring wrestling,horse-racing,archery,singing,dancing etc. "那达慕大会":蒙古人民一年一度的盛大节日,在七、八月举行,内容是摔交、赛马、射箭、歌舞等活动。"
- Gong Geer grassland in the territory of Keshiketeng Banner, is the latest from Beijing, Inner Mongolia grassland and into the natural scenery, Mongolian style in one. 贡格尔草原位于克什克腾旗境内,是距离北京最近的内蒙古草原,融自然风光、蒙古族风情于一体。
- Founded in March 1987, the Inner Mongolia Youth Glee Club is an excellent glee club and well-known in both home and abroad for its performances of cappella with Mongolian style. 内蒙古民族歌舞剧院蒙古族青年合唱团创建于1987年,是中国擅长演唱无伴奏合唱的团体之一。
- The Mongolian ethnic group calls Shaman Dance "Bo"or "Bo Dance". 蒙古族称萨满舞为"博"、"博舞"。
- In the Mongolian language, these mean "long.drawn-out songs". 蒙语称"乌日听道",即"悠长的歌曲"。
- The Mongolian ethnic group calls Shaman Dance "Bo" or "Bo Dance". 蒙古族称萨满舞为"博"、"博舞"。
- In the Mongolian language, these mean "long-drawn-out songs". 蒙语称"乌日听道",即"悠长的歌曲"。
- Phaeton-Le for the Mongolian, which means the cold plateau. 辉腾锡勒为蒙语,意为寒冷的高原。
- A Chinese dynasty(1271-1368) established by the Mongolian ruler Kublai Khan at Peking(Beijing). It was superseded by the Ming dynasty. 元朝由蒙古统治者忽必烈汗在北京建立的一个中国王朝(1271-1368年), 它被明朝取代
- This style of cooking is peculiar to the country. 这种烹调方法是那个国家的特色。
- She performs the songs with style and flair. 她演唱歌曲既有风度又有才华。