- In fact,the Medici family was realted to the Pazzi family. 事实上,梅地奇家族和帕齐家族有联系。
- The Medici family were as effective at using power as they were in spending money on art. 梅地奇家族是利用这个权利最有效果的,因为他们将钱花在艺术上。
- the Medici family 美第奇家族
- Although this fresco was about a religious subject,the people in it were really members of the de Medici family,wearing their own rich clothing. 虽然这幅壁画是关于宗教主题的,但画中的人物都是真实的麦德西家族的成员,他们穿着自己华丽的衣服。
- The de Medici family,a rich and powerful group in florence,ltaly,hired many artists to work for them. 麦德西家族,在意大利的佛罗伦萨是一个富有并且势力的群体,他们雇佣了许多艺术家为他们工作。
- In Florence, Botticelli was a protege of several members of the powerful Medici family[6] . 波提切利在佛罗伦萨受到了有权势的美第奇家族的几位成员的保护。
- Although this fresco was about a religious subject, the people in it were really members of the de Medici family, wearing their own rich clothing. 虽然这幅壁画是关于宗教主题的,但画中的人物都是真实的麦德西家族的成员,他们穿着自己华丽的衣服。
- Many have emphasized the role played by the Medici, a banking family and later ducal housefamily, in patronizing and stimulating the arts. 梅第奇家族起初是一个银行家族,后来成为了公爵贵族。该家族在文艺复兴期间大力赞助支持艺术事业,在这场文化运动中发挥了重要的作用。
- Even visitors tired of art won't want to mi the Pitti Palace. Once home to Florence's powerful Medici family, the grand palace now houses three museums. 就算游客们已经对艺术品很厌烦了,他们还是不会错过彼蒂宫。它曾是佛罗伦萨的权贵,麦德西家族的住处,这个宏伟的宫殿如今包含了三个博物馆。
- Even visitors tired of art won't want to miss the Pitti Palace. Once home to Florence's powerful Medici family, the grand palace now houses three museums. 就算游客们已经对艺术品很厌烦了,他们还是不会错过彼蒂宫。它曾是佛罗伦萨的权贵,麦德西家族的住处,这个宏伟的宫殿如今包含了三个博物馆。
- He is buried in the Medici Chapel in the church of San Lorenzo in Florence. 他葬于佛罗伦萨的圣洛伦左教堂里,一个属于梅地奇家族的私人祈祷室。
- She only unbends in the family circle. 她只在家庭环境里才不拘束。
- Evidence-based medicine (EBM) is one of the important ways to promote medical value innovation and the Medici Effect. 摘要:证据医学是促进医疗价值创新与梅迪奇效应的重要途径之一。
- A fortified town in the Middle Ages, Leghorn was developed into a flourishing community by the Medici. 中世纪时曾是筑有防御工事的城镇。
- It's Bill's wife who really rules the roost in that family. 在比尔家里,真正当家的是她的老婆。
- To research the multiple attribute of the relations between doctor and patient,from the interdependence system of the medicine drugs the medici... 深入研究医患关系的多重属性,从医药、医保、医疗相互关联的系统深入研究医患冲突的原因,仍是我们面临的长期课题。
- The designation means that the federal government has not been approved, the Medici bank will not be able to make any major decisions. 这一指定意味着,在没有得到联邦政府批准的情况下,梅迪西银行将无法自行作出任何重大决定。
- Cross and angry words in family grate upon the ear. 不高兴与生气的话在一个家庭里令人不愉快。
- The affair has estranged him from his family. 这件事已使他和家人疏远。
- The wind whirled the dead leaves about. 风吹得枯叶在四处回旋。