- He's hoping to compete in the London marathon. 他期盼着参加伦敦马拉松比赛。
- Most of the runners in the London Marathon are raising money for charity. 大多数人参加伦敦马拉松赛跑是为慈善事业募集资金。
- There is always a strange collection of runners in the London Marathon. 每次总会有一批稀奇古怪的选手参加伦敦马拉松比赛。
- You remember that bloke who completed the London Marathon in a diving suit? 你还记得那个穿着潜水衣完成伦敦马拉松的家伙吗?
- Felix Limo of Kenya led the men's race as Deena Kastor won the women's title at the London marathon on Sunday. 上周日的伦敦马拉松比赛中,肯尼亚选手费力克斯·马夺得男子组冠军,而美国选手黛娜·斯托尔则问鼎了女子组冠军。
- The London Marathon is a difficult race. Nevertheless, thousands of runners participate every year. 伦敦马拉松是场艰苦的比赛。然而,每年有数千名选手参加。
- For football and running, FA Premier League football and the London Marathon enthrall audiences around the world every year. 在足球和赛跑方面,每年的英格兰足球超级联赛和伦敦马拉松比赛吸引着世界各地的观众。
- Last year saw Manchester hosted the second Paralympic World Cup, while every year the London Marathon attracts an elite field of wheelchair athletes to the capital. 去年曼彻斯特举办了第二次残疾人世界盃,每年的伦敦马拉松都会吸引大批轮椅运动员来比赛。
- The London bus departs every hour on the hour. 伦敦的公共汽车每小时零分开出一趟。
- The London Stock Exchange is in turmoil today. 今天伦敦证券市场一片混乱。
- The ball was the highlight of the London season. 那次舞会是伦敦社交活动时期的高潮。
- The London police force is headed by a commissioner. 伦敦警察由局长领导。
- He is hoping to compete in London marathon. 他期盼着参加伦敦的马拉松比赛。
- His ear is still attune to the sound of the London suburb. 他的耳朵对伦敦郊区的语音仍然一听就能辨别。
- The police has informer in the london underworld. 警察在伦敦的下流社会中有告密者。
- Two to one in favour of the London team. 2比1,伦敦队胜。
- He is being treated at the London clinic. 他正在伦敦一家私人诊所接受治疗。
- John is the London area manager. 约翰是伦敦地区经理。
- The London summit should be the second in a series. 伦敦峰会应该是一系列会议的第二次。
- The police have informers in the London underworld. 警察在伦敦的下流社会中有告密者。