- Mr. Hsieh himself had begun his political career as a lawyer defending opponents of the KMT regime. 谢长廷本人的政治生涯开始于做国民党统治反抗者的辩护律师。
- The new class, which adhered to and served the KMT regime, was a real dominator in the rural area and a basis of the KMT's regime in the country, but also impeded rural reforms. 他们依附和服务于国民党政权,是广大乡村地区的实际控制者,是国民党在乡村的统治基础,但又阻碍了国民党乡村改良政策的推行。
- As soon as Dr.Peng's escape was confirmed, the KMT regime furiously devoted its diplomatic efforts to prevent Dr.Peng from entering into the United States. 彭明敏脱逃一经证实,国民党政府立即动员外交力量,要防范彭明敏进入美国。
- China Times and the KMT, get out of Taiwan! 苏治芳推销的水果产地也标中国台湾?
- the KMT Regime 国民政府
- The KMT was a dictatorial regime that had risen to power partly through exploiting its links with Shanghai gangsters. 国民党是一个独裁政权,它的上台部分是通过利用与上海的不法分子相勾结而实现的。
- The KMT is a shop of a century's standing. 国明党犹如百年老店。
- Mr Hu met the KMT's departing chairman, Wu Poh-hsiung, in 2008. 2008年胡先生会见了国民党前任主席吴伯雄。
- The KMT government continued to put pressure on the USG. 国民党政府继续对美国政府施加压力。
- The KMT had been ahead in opinion polls by double digits. 在民调上国民党曾经是领先两位数的百分点。
- The current president, Ma Ying-jeou of the KMT, is seen as clean. 来自国民党的现任”总统”马英九展现出廉洁的公众形象。
- This is consistent with many legislators' suspicion that the KMT is attempting to embarrass Abni's new regime by dragging down the market especially after the introduction of the new market stabilization plan. 这有符合袂少立委实疑讲国民党挑扛欲乎股市落到乎新政府歹看,尤其最近新政府才推出股市振兴耶新方案。
- The decadent puppet regime was falling apart. 那个堕落的傀儡政权正在土崩瓦解。
- Chinese leaders have another reason not to gloat over the KMT's victory. 中国领导人亦有其他理由不去满足国民党的选举胜利。
- Things will change under the new regime. 在新政权下,事情将会发生变化。
- The Sino-Japanese War made strange bedfellows of the KMT and the CCP. 中日战争使国民党和共产党成了同床异梦的伙伴。
- The country is under a military regime. 这个国家处于军人统治之下。
- Clearly Kwong's example failed to inspire self-introspection within the KMT. 邝的例子,显然也没给国民党太多启示。
- All protest is brutally repressed by the regime. 一切抗议活动都遭到当局的野蛮镇压。
- The regime had been propped up by foreign aid. 该政权是靠外国援助维持著的。