- Qamdo this paragraph in the valley is the most narrow section of the Jinsha River valley. 在其它河谷段,河床仍为单一河道为主,江心滩十分少见。
- Lisu of the first to live in Sichuan and Yunnan at the junction of the Jinsha River Valley area, after the Nu River in western Yunnan and gradually move to the region to settle down. 傈僳族最早生活在四川、云南交界的金沙江流域一带,后逐步迁到滇西怒江地区定居下来。
- the Jinsha River Valley 金沙江河谷
- The paper analyzes the favorable and unfavorable conditions of tangerine production in Leibo County, Jinsha River Valley and brings forth some developing measures in a bid to speed up high-quality tangerine production in Jinsha River Valley. 分析金沙江流域雷波柑桔生产的有利和不利条件,提出发展对策,加快金沙江流域优质柑桔生产。
- Hot-arid valley of the Jinsha river 釜沙江干热河谷区
- It was a race against time. Marching by night,the Red Army approached the Jinsha River by three routes. 这是和时间赛跑。红军兵分三路连夜向金沙江逼近。
- It was a race against time. Marching by night, the Red Army approached the Jinsha River by three routes. 这是和时间赛跑。红军兵分三路连夜向金沙江逼近。
- The Yulong Jokul is 15 kilometers north to Lijiang.The north foot of the mountain touches the Jinsha River. 玉龙雪山地处丽江城北,距县城15公里,雪山北麓直抵金沙江。
- Usually, we Minjiang River and the Jinsha River in Yibin City of Sichuan Province after a meeting of the Changjiang River, known formally as the surging Yangtze River flows east. 通常,我们把金沙江和岷江在四川省宜宾市汇合之后形成的滔滔东流的大江正式称为长江。
- Benzilan Deqin County in the southeast, the Jinsha River West Bank, Snow White Mang Dong Lu. 81 km from Zhongdian county. 奔子栏位于德钦县东南、金沙江西岸、白茫雪山东麓。距中甸县城81公里。
- Fall, with the Yangtze River and reflux, until the upper reaches of the Yangtze River along the Jinsha River spawning reproduction. 秋季,顺长江逆流而上,直至长江上游的金沙江一带产卵繁殖。
- In the morning, the 8:05 train finally arrived in Panzhihua, the weather turned fine, rising through the dark days of Yang's edge, Saman Sunshine of the Jinsha River. 早上,8:05火车终于抵达攀枝花了,天气转晴了,初升的天阳透过乌云的边沿,阳光洒满了金沙江。
- The road east from Guanzhong area, through Qinghai, Sichuan, from the northwest corner of Ma-Tang (formerly邓柯County), over the Jinsha River, the Qamdo, Lhasa Nagqu (more logic). 这条道路东起关中地区,经过青海,从四川西北角的邓玛(原邓柯县),过金沙江,经昌都地区、那曲地区至拉萨(逻些)。
- Under such circumstances,the central government was left with no choice and had to order the People's Liberation Army (PLA) to cross the Jinsha River in October 1950,and Qamdo was liberated. 在这种形势下,中央政府不得不于1950年10月命令人民解除放军渡过金沙江,解放了昌都。
- They travelled up the river valley. 他们向河流上游地区行进。
- The arid valleys of the Hengduan Mountainous Region consist of the valleys of the Minjiang River, the Dadu River, the Anning River, the Yalong River, the Jinsha River, the Lancang River, the Nujiang River and their tributaries. 横断山区干旱河谷有四类,即干热河谷、干暖河谷、干温河谷和干凉河谷。
- Under such circumstances, the central government was left with no choice and had to order the People's Liberation Army (PLA) to cross the Jinsha River in October 1950, and Qamdo was liberated. 在这种形势下,中央政府不得不于1950年10月命令人民解除放军渡过金沙江,解放了昌都。
- The botany of the Ohio River valley. 俄亥俄河谷的植物
- The river valley is intensively cropped. 河谷里种满了庄稼。
- The study of flora in Yuanmou dry-hot river valley. 元谋干热河谷植物区系研究.