- He has some little acquaintance with the Japanese language. 他稍微会一点儿日语。
- He is quite at home with the Japanese language. 他对日语很熟悉。
- Dr. Daniels professes the Japanese language. 丹尼尔斯博士教日语.
- Many Chinese idioms have infiltrated into the Japanese language. 许多中国成语浸透到日语中。
- This service has several advantages, allowing Chinese to avoid the problems of not knowing the Japanese language, not having enough Japanese coinage with them, or not knowing phoning methods in Japan. 这项业务的优点有:使国人免受挂发国际电话时发生语言沟通的困难;解决临时身边无日本硬币的不便及不谙日本电话使用方法等的困扰。
- Mirror sites make it easier to surf Japanese websites, as our software does not support the Japanese language. 比阅读日文容易,因为我们的软件阅读日文还有困难,还要购买另外的软件,对日文网站和其他网站,我们持积极态度。
- Applicants must be willing to study the Japanese language and receive university education in the medium of Japanese. 申请人必须愿意学习日语,以及接受以日语授课的大学教育。
- Kana type refers to Japanese hiragana and katakana characters that represent phonetic sounds in the Japanese language. 假名类型是指日语平假名和片假名字符,它们表示日语中的语音。
- Well I can't help you with Korean, but Chinese is more like slang, the Japanese language is more dignified. 我不能让你与韩国,但中国更像俚语、日语更体面。
- The japanese language reads and writes more like a dialect, a slang, and quite informal. 日语阅读、写更像一个方言,俚语,相当正规。
- The Japanese Language Pack installs Japanese language support files for the operating system. “日语语言包”将为操作系统安装日语支持文件。
- For example, when installing the Japanese Language Pack on the English version of Windows 98, setup dialogs will not display text correctly. 例如,如果在英语版的Windows 98上安装日语语言包,则安装对话框不能正确显示文本。
- A waiter of the Japanese restaurant bowed him in. 那家日本餐馆的侍者鞠着躬将他迎了进去。
- As a component of Japanese culture, the Japanese language embodies the cultural traits and psychological features of the Japanese nation. 日语作为日本文化的一个组成部分,包含着日本民族的文化特点和民族的心理特征。
- In Japanese language, the characteristics of personal pronouns and the Japanese people's self-awareness are closely linked. 日语人称代词的特点及日本人的自我意识与日本社会的特性密切相关。
- The event was hosted by a Kyoto-based group that promotes the use of "kanji," the Chinese characters used in the Japanese language. 当天,位于日本京都的清水寺游客云集,在众人的围观下,住持森清范在一个木板上挥毫写下了一个“变”字,宣布其当选日本今年的年度汉字。
- They are looking around the Japanese pavilion. 他们正在参观日本展示馆。
- "Not just young people, but grown-ups are not using honorific Japanese properly.With the language guidelines, we hope to spread the correct use of the Japanese language. "不仅仅是年轻人;一些成年人也不会正确使用敬语.;我们希望能通过语言方面的指导来推广日语的正确用法
- The Japanese have taken over many European ways of life. 日本人已袭用了不少欧洲人的生活方式。
- Perhaps the Japanese Cultural Society in Singapore, where many Singaporeans spend years to learn the Japanese language in a systematic manner, can serve as a model for us in designing professional courses for the learning of the Chinese or Malay language. 在本地,有不少人以好几年的时间在新日文化协会有系统的学习日文,或许我们也应该像新日文化协会那样,有系统的开办华文、马来文等专业课程。