- the Indian Election Commission 印度选举委员会
- Indian elected at the North American representatives of the Indian states of the Committee, the drafting of the Declaration of Independence Indiana. 印第安会议选出北美各州印第安人代表组成的委员会,起草印第安国独立宣言。
- Magellan is trying to find a passage to the Indian ocean. 麦哲伦试图找到一条通向印度洋的通道。
- The Indian warrior passed a sword through his opponent. 那个印度勇士用剑刺穿了对手的身体。
- He studies in particular the fishes of the Indian Ocean. 他专门研究印度洋的鱼类。
- The Indian hurled his spear at the coyote. 那印地安人将他的长矛用力掷向那只土狼。
- The Indian guided the explorers. 那印地安人引导探险队。
- They voyaged across the Indian Ocean. 他们作了穿越印度洋的旅行。
- He had challenged the spirit of the Indian earth. 他触犯了印度这块土地的精神。
- The Spaniards subdued the Indian tribes in Mexico. 西班牙人征服了墨西哥的印第安部落。
- The Indians came back with their enemy's scalps. 印地安人带着敌人的头皮回来了。
- The Indian of the west is a rover of the plain. 西部的印第安人在大平原上过着游牧生活。
- Her body was lowered into the Indian Ocean. 她的遗体被沉进了印度洋里。
- The Election Commission, however, overruled him, upholding an earlier postponement until August. 但选举委员会却拒绝了他的请求,坚持按照先前的提议,延期到八月举行。
- My ancestors stole land from the Indian. 我的祖先从印第安人手里夺取了土地。
- Several members of the election commission that oversaw the voting were sent to jail. 选举委员会的几个监督选举的成员已经被送入监狱。
- The Indian peals the bark from tree to make canoe. 印第安人从树上剥下树皮做皮舟。
- The Election Commission in Afghanistan says President Karzai now has 54% of the votes in the presidential poll. 阿富汗选举委员会称,现任总统卡尔扎伊现在在总统选举中获得了54%25的选票。
- One is to fight another legal battle with the Election Commission against Gen Musharraf's candidacy. 一个是通过法律途径与选举委员会做斗争质疑穆沙拉夫的候选资格。
- How do the Indian children go back home? 印度儿童回家一瞥?