- The imperial power was supported by the most powerful military in the world. 皇权得到了世界上最强大的军事力量的保障。
- Basil II never married and he had no children, so the imperial power naturally fell to his brother Constantine, who had been emperor for years. 瓦西里二世终身未婚,因而没有子嗣,因此皇权自然由他的弟弟君士坦丁来继承,他本人也做了很多年的共治皇帝了。
- In China, however, the foundation of taxation since the Qin Dynasty onward lay in that the imperial power was the final owner and dominator of all persons and their possessions. 而中国“秦制”以后赋役制度的基础在于,皇权是一切“子民”人身和财产的最终所有者、支配者。
- Zhangsun Wuji has stolen imperial power and falsely accused the faithful. The imperial ancestral spirits are watching. Soon your own clan will be slaughtered. 重翻:长孙无忌窃国之贼,陷害忠良,李家列祖列宗在天有眼,不久便会灭汝九族。
- Imperial Examination proceeded the professional bureaucrats that leeched on to the imperial power to conic into being, and met the need of Autocratic Feudalism enstrengthening. 科举考试促进了依附于皇权的职业官僚系统的形成,满足了封建专制不断强化的需要。
- Have you been to the Imperial Palace? 你去过故宫吗?
- Member of the Imperial Academy produce of the imperial power, politics has been deepened by step by step with interfering with , it has produced counteraction conversely to the imperial power. 翰林学士由于皇权的需要而产生,随着干预政治一步步地加深,反过来对皇权他又产生了反作用。
- Down with the imperialist Powers! 打倒列强!
- The imperial gallon is not the same as the US gallon. 英制的加仑和与美制的容量不同。
- On the Imperial Power of the Sui And Tang Dynasties 论隋唐皇权
- The imperial powers certainly generated a lot of institutional variety, sprinkling Spanish vassalage, British indirect rule and American paternalism across the globe. 毫无疑问,帝国主义列强会孕育出各种不同的体制,如松散的西班牙附庸制,大英帝国联邦制以及旨在控制全球的美国霸权制。
- The imperial dye had softened with time. 浓艳的色彩随着时间而变得柔和。
- By then Britain as an imperial power had declined. 到那时,英国作为一个帝国已经衰落。
- The imperialist powers repeatedly forced the Qing government to cede territory and pay indemnities. 帝国主义列强多次强迫清朝政府割地赔款。
- In the evening we'll go to the Imperial Theater. 我们傍晚到王朝戏院。
- He repaired to the Imperial Palace. 他常去皇宫。
- Are opposed to the imperial court. 都反对朝廷。
- It is certainly not the purpose the imperialist powers invading China to transform feudal China into capitalist China. 帝国主义列强侵入中国的目的,决不是要把封建的中国变成资本主义的中国。
- I have heard the Imperial Palace is very beautiful. 听说故宫的建筑很美丽。
- The imperialist powers repeatedly forced the Qing government to cede territory and pay indemnities . 帝国主义列强多次强迫清朝政府割地赔款。