- the Hudson R [美]哈得孙河
- Tided off the reef; tiding up the Hudson. 顺潮驶离暗礁;顺潮驶向哈得逊河上游
- Across the Hudson River was New York City. 哈德森河的对面就是纽约市。
- He saw the Hudson River far away. 他看见远处的哈德逊河,
- A bay of the North Atlantic fed by the Hudson River. 由哈得逊河供水的北大西洋的一个海湾。
- He rented his house out to the Hudsons. 他把他的房子租给了赫德森家。
- How long did the Hudson's Bay Company control the northern lands? 哈得逊湾公司控制加拿大北部领土长达多久?
- For how long did the Hudson Bay Company control the northern lands. 海湾公司控制北部地区多久?
- What important trade did the Hudson Bay Company control? 海湾公司控制那一种主要贸易?
- The Hudson River is named after the English explorer Henry Hudson. 哈德逊河是以英国探险家亨利。哈德逊的名字命名的。
- Q:What important trade did the Hudson Bay Company control? 海湾公司控制哪一种主要贸易?
- How did the Hudson River in New York and New Jersey get its name? 纽约的哈得逊河及纽泽西因何得名?
- What important trade did the Hudson's Bay Company control? 哈得逊湾公司控制着哪个重要行业?
- I planed across the Hudson River in my ice yacht to win the race. 我乘坐着冰上快艇穿过哈得逊河赢得了比赛。
- Located in New York on the Hudson estuary of the "free island" on. 坐落在美国纽约哈得逊河口上的“自由岛”上。
- The late-afternoon October air was nippy and there was a wind off the Hudson. 十月黄昏的空气是凉飕飕的,赫德森河上还起了风。
- The house looks out on a tennis court; The apartment looks across the Hudson. 那所房子面临网球场;公寓面临哈德逊。
- It continued throughout the year from the Hudson Bay flows ungava Bay. 它终年不断地从哈得孙湾流向昂加瓦湾。
- US Airways jet has crashed into the Hudson River right next to Manhattan. 一架美航空公司客机在曼哈顿附近的哈德逊河坠毁。
- The aircraft is still in the Hudson River as officials work on getting it out. 飞机现仍在哈得孙河中,而官员试图将其打捞上来。