- Characteristics of Spatial Heterogeneity of the Desert Riparian Forest in the Hei River Basin 黑河下游荒漠河岸林典型样带植被空间异质性
- Measurement of Evapotranspiration by the Microlysimeters in the Mountain Vegetation Zone of the Hei River Basin 两种小型蒸渗仪在黑河流域山区植被带的应用研究
- To Project Oasis in the Lower Reaches of the Hei River by Shifting Development Projects Elsewhere 实施转移发展保护黑河下游绿洲
- Eco-hydrological Function of Mountain Vegetation in the Hei River Basin, Northwest China 黑河流域山区植被生态水文功能的研究
- Study on the Mass Control of Aquatic Environment Pollution Drainage in Zhang Ye Reach of the Hei River Valley 黑河流域张掖段水环境污染物排放总量控制研究
- the Hei River 黑河
- the Hei River watershed 黑河流域
- In this study,the micronucleus test in vicia faba root tips was used to detect the mutagenceis of the river water from Hei river and the drinking water along its rank. 利用蚕豆根尖细胞微核试验,检测了严重污染的黑河河水及其沿岸居民生活饮用水的诱变效应。
- The finding in this study also revaled that there were some mutagens in the river water from Hei river and the drinking water along its rank.The health dama... 该结果提示:不仅在严重污染的河水中,而且在沿岸居民的饮用水中也存在有诱变活性物质,长期直接或间接暴露的沿岸居民癌症高发,健康受损可能与此有一定关系。
- Works for the Hei Ling Chau typhoon shelter were also completed in 1998. 喜灵洲避风塘的工程也于1998年内完成。
- It continued with the construction of the Hei Ling Chau typhoon shelter and began building jetties and dolphins at the Government dockyard on Stonecutters Island. 正在进行中的工程有喜灵洲避风塘。同时,又开始了昂船洲政府船坞码头及其系泊柱墩建筑工程。
- The river had worn a ravine between the hills. 那条河在两山之间已造成一个深谷。
- Can we dredge the river to make it deeper? 我们能不能把这条河疏浚得深一点?
- The police dredged up the parcel from the muddy river. 警方从浑浊的河水中捞出包裹。
- It continued with the construction of the Hei Ling Chautyphoon shelter and three public piers in the Sai Kung area,all of which are due to be completed in 1998. 兴建中的喜灵洲避风塘和位于西贡区的3个公众码头,则预期于一九九八年落成。
- A pregnant lady rescued him from the Suzhou River. 一个孕妇把他从苏州河救了起来。
- It continued with the construction of the Hei Ling Chautyphoon shelter and three public piers in the Sai Kung area, all of which are due to be completed in 1998. 兴建中的喜灵洲避风塘和位于西贡区的3个公众码头,则预期于一九九八年落成。
- The river opens out suddenly into a broad estuary. 江面忽然开阔起来,形成一个宽广的河。
- Though the Hei Yi Zhuang (the black-clothing Zhuang ethnic group) as a branch of the Zhuang nationality live in remote areas, they are affected by globalization. 黑衣壮族群作为壮族的一支,地处偏远,但依然受到了全球化的影响。
- The wind whirled the dead leaves about. 风吹得枯叶在四处回旋。