- He wanted people with an eye to the heavenly kingdom, feet on the ground, and back bent in doing good. 祂要人眼睛专注于天国,实际的在地上事奉,并且努力行善。
- A large quantity of imperial edicts,orders and inscribed books promulgated and issued by the Heavenly Kingdom of Taiping were used mainly in Hakkas folk literature styles,and in the form of colloquialism,dialect,slang and Hakkas ballad. 太平天国颁布和发出的大量谕旨、命令和刊刻的书籍,多用客家民间文学体例,并以俗语、方言、俚语和客家歌谣的形式出现。
- If the Heavenly Kingdom is not a world that excludes God, but is a world centered on God, then we have no choice but to build a relationship with God to create the heavenly kingdom. 如果天国并非把神排除,而是一个以神为中心的世界,那麽,我们毫无选择地必须建立起与神的关系,然后才能建立天国。
- The Land System of the Heavenly Kingdom 天朝田亩制度
- literature of the Heavenly Kingdom of Taiping 太平天国文学
- A survey of 90 years of studies on the Heavenly Kingdom 太平天国研究90年述评
- We are the Usurpers to the Heavenly Thrones. 我们是神圣王座的篡夺者。
- Do you ask why I, the queen of the gods, have left the heavenly plains and sought your depths. 他们问她来访的目的,她向他们阐明了来意:你们问我这个众神之后为什么要从天上的平原下到深海中来。
- A Study on the Relations between Daoism and the Religious Belief of the Heavenly Kingdom of the Supreme Peace 太平天国的宗教信仰与道教关系研究
- The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom made Nanjing its capital. 太平天国奠都南京。
- This study has important significance of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom movement. 这对研究太平天国运动具有重要意义。
- The heavenly touch of your embrace. 你拥抱时美妙的感觉。
- To be full of trust in the heavenly Father. 而是像小婴孩般的,完全信任这位天上的父亲。
- The heavenly King overcame this temptation. 属天的王胜过了这试诱。
- Twelve of the heavenly powers are represented. 画面上有十二位天神出场。
- The falling of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom is fundamentally a failure of culture. 太平天国的失败,从根本上是文化上的失败。
- the Heavenly Kingdom 天国
- The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom enacted and promulgated a series of policies on sexual equality. 太平天国运动制定、颁布了一系列男女平等的政策;
- The heavenly residence of the Norse gods and slain heroes of war. 仙宫,诸神居所北欧诸神和战争中被杀的英雄的仙宫