- the Gypsy and the Gentleman 荡子淫娃
- I will tell Maria and the Gypsy how to handle the horses. 我去告诉玛丽娅和吉普赛人怎样侍弄这些马。
- Pierre had gone home, but Rostov with Dolohov and Denisov stayed on at the club listening to the gypsies and the singers till late in the evening. 皮埃尔回家去了,罗斯托夫和多洛霍夫、杰尼索夫想听茨冈人和歌手唱歌,于是在俱乐部坐到深夜。
- He unites the best qualities of the gentleman and the Christian. 他兼备绅士和基督徒的最佳品质。
- The gypsy earned her money as a fortune-teller. 这个吉普赛人以算命谋生。
- The gypsy had foretold that the boy would die. 那吉普赛人曾经预言这男孩儿得夭折。
- I've never lived in one place too long, it must be the Gypsy in me. 我从来没有在一个地方长住过,一定是我性格中有吉普赛人的特性。
- Another spectator is asked to select a card and the Gypsy again is asked to reveal its identity. 另一个观众请求选择卡片,并且吉普赛人再请求显露它的身分。
- And the mid- size car have a lot more legroom. 而且中型车的腿部伸展空间较为宽敞。
- I informed myself from the gypsy. 我是听吉卜赛人说的。
- And the suspension bridge from hanging vines. 悬索桥受到了悬挂着的藤的启发。
- The Gypsy had been affected by the wine. 吉卜赛人酒喝得多了点。
- The racism not only injure the Judea nationality and the gypsy nationality, but also deeply injured the Germanic nationality. 指出种族主义不仅伤害了犹太民族和吉普赛民族,而且也深深伤害了日耳曼民族。
- The blizzard blotted out the sky and the land. 暴风雪铺天盖地而来。
- Somebody opened the door and the candle blew out. 有人打开了门,蜡烛随之被吹灭了。
- The gypsy earnedher money as a fortune-teller. 这个吉普赛人以算命谋生。
- He is liked by the classes and the masses. 上层社会的人士和普通的民从都喜欢他。
- The gypsy had foretoldthat the boy would die. 那吉普赛人曾经预言这男孩儿得夭折。
- John is English and the rest of us are Welsh. 我们当中,约翰是英格兰人,其余的都是威尔斯人。
- Just press the button and the machine will start. 只要一按电钮,机器就会开动。