- A depth of ten feet;the Garden of Eden. 十英尺的深度;伊甸园
- It's who that intruded into the Garden of Eden. 是谁闯入了伊甸园?
- Into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it. 使他修理看守。
- The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to till it and care for it. 天主上帝把他造的男人带去伊甸园,让他在园中耕耘管理。
- Hes asked them to leave the Garden of Eden. 上帝送他们走,要他们离开伊甸园。
- Tradition says the Garden of Eden was here. 传说中伊甸园即位于此。
- Let's make our earth as the garden of eden. 让地球是我们的伊甸园。
- Is the soul Fangcaoqiqi the Garden of Eden? 是灵魂深处芳草萋萋的伊甸园?
- Atlantis and the Garden of Eden are the same in that regard. 在这方面,亚特兰提斯和伊甸园并无两样。
- This place is thought the Garden of Eden by young people. 在年轻人看来,这个地方是他们的伊甸园。
- Adam and Eve conversed with God in the Garden of Eden. 在伊甸园?亚当和夏娃跟神沟通。
- The Garden of Eden was a real place, just as Adam was a real man. 伊甸园是真实存在的,正如亚当确有其人一样。
- Example: This place is thought the Garden of Eden by young people. (在年轻人看来,这个地方是他们的伊甸园。
- Garden of the LORD: a refernce to the Garden of Eden. 伊甸园:希伯莱文“上主的园子”;亚伯拉罕:“多国之父”
- THE BANALITY OF EDEN Eve got bored in the Garden of Eden. She was n. 亚当与伊芙逃出伊甸园。
- We may go back to the earliest time, to the banishment from the Garden of Eden. 我们可以追溯到最早的时代,追溯到从伊甸乐园流放出来的时代。
- In fact, some people say that the Garden of Eden in the Bible was in Bahrain. 事实上,有人说圣经中的伊甸园就位于巴林。
- The man was placed in the Garden of Eden to cultivate it and guard it. 男人被放在伊甸园中耕种和守卫伊甸园。
- Magic equates to heaven upon earth or living again in the Garden of Eden. 魔力等同于地球上的天堂,或再次生活在伊甸园中。
- So the Lord God drove him out of the garden of Eden to till the ground from which he had been taken. 因此,天主上帝把人赶出了伊甸园,去耕种那片造出他来的土地。